and this acount i got in 2009 >.> why it saying 2011
ahh so my 7500 will stay :D thanks you :)
Thanks Dam that inoying so the uther points will go if i dont spend them?
Oh thanks xD i didunt se that >.< Charge Rewards Link is on the Website so i gessed it was working
thanks all it wud be awsome if thay did this for most instances not all because it will be to hard insted for hte uthers there cud be a chat room where evreone who nedid nivvana cud shout in ? >.> its such a awsome idea to put in PWI it will make the game more fast to paly and fun :)
what im trying to say here is that normal people dont have reail life money to pay to play this game mostly = pay to play orells it will take you years to get to a person who puts money into game -_- i now hundreds of people who quite bcause it just so expensiv to play eneymore and pwi never fix eneythin or make it easyer.…
and when you reach a higher lvl = 60+ >.> howmeney Charms willyou rip thru or pots? then it gets expensiv
i been playing for 2 years now and i now people say clerics are expensiv and hard to play think about it its not fun to play them most people will tell you that, but because people need them in FF thay are lvling somuch the avrage guys carnt get them in a BH???
ow and more people play fw than pwi xD
most pwi players are eather stuk up or just never want to play uther games, fw it 10x much better than pwi the amour repairs are cheep the pots are cheep ext. qests are better the graphex it much better bugs are geting sortid out hm much more things i played pwi for 2 years and i can tell you fw is a much better cheeper…
one think is what about amour i spent lodes on it and then i will have to spend lodes agen? and how do i swap server
but your pets will stay on like my nix and hurk
Rill change my character over
Ok it's just ever since forsaken world has been on steam pwi has less people on >.>. i dont now its just i put lots of rl money into game and the game seams to be going down hill >.<
ok thanks i will tell hur to go veno :)
Thanks and thanks evreone for all your support and help evreone :) hope you have a goood time Playing PWI happy huntting
yeh :(
but if the carictor is on the same acount isunt it alowed to swap over if you have made a mistake and spent that much money on the rep
its real pathetic how people make fun of my spelling i got bad dyslexia find it hard to work out sentances or spell and im not 13 yeairs old.
ok thanks i will put in a ticket post i did now i put it on my BM but im new to rep and just notied it was better on my veno i spent my Reail life money on gold and if i exadently got somthing rong carn thay thay to help me out? i never got eney help or info on what rep gives amour and wepon for evre diffrent class.