Circle of Pwi's problem solver : send ticket => got ignored / deleted => complain in forum => mods deleted/locked topic after tell u to send ticket => send ticket => got ignored / deleted => complain again => got deleted/locked again after told u to send ticket again => repeat till u bore da fak of , and finnaly give ur…
QQ moar , loser !
Ha !! "release an expansion ahead of schedule!" TYVM sir ...thank YOU ! no , Seriously ? no thax !b:laugh
ain't it time to stop buying those stuffs and after a while , some peeps will get most expensive stuffs for free ? aww... open ur eyes , and get real , my friends !
+9000 i already moved right after they ***** us up - this 1 was hard , mans !b:surrender
lol. f t shet , iam outta here !! good luck b:bye
Sadly : Yes ! and known wat ? probably good time to leave this shethole !
that quiet enought ! iam so tired of ur shet , pwi ! i don'T faking really care about few orbs , or neither how many people getting it / not getting it ! but really ? u leave it as it be ? there is a reason that u can not do roll back ? split it out , would ya ? we are ur CUSTOMMER , not ur danm Slaves that ain't allow to…
eu server need to donate more b:cry nah , jk .... we might stop that ....b:angryb:angryb:angry
b:laugh lucky for me , nw time = my work time - b:chuckle never can get my hand on a fancy rewards b:cryb:cryb