Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    how about the code when I redeem it say code has expire so does that mean I cant get anything.
  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    And why is PWI still up and running? Why haven't they shut the servers down for a huge maintenance in the midst of all this chaos? PWI it's ok to take your game offline for a few days while you work up a solution, many games do it. Put it on pause, get this mess together for real, and stop trying to pass bs resolutions to us.

    Can I quote this for a book I'm writing? It'll be called: I was there - The day PWI fell, along with other games.
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I believe people who didn't receive the legitimate pack should get there 3 orbs that's important. I hope we can all get through this :(. Hopefully see you in-game.

    I agree with that. I'm not sure how they would do it but it really isn't fair to exclude people from an item of this magnitude just because of some jerks who abused it. That's punishing the innocent.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Moderators... pls tell me where is proper place to put my video...
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So you guy decided not to rollback but to punish those who abused the code...
    How Will punish them? If you suspended their account, when they come back they still have the orbs in Mail or orbs that already been used.

    If you decide to banned their account, they can argue back (blaming on your server side) stating server were too laggy and so they had to refresh the page to make it work... trust me, it took 5 mins for the page to load.

    So, yeah.. not happy with your decision at all, should rollback and be done with.. i quit for good and my question is, will you guy reimbursed me back my golds i bough and never used in the past week....
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    how about the code when I redeem it say code has expire so does that mean I cant get anything.

    Because of the abuse they disabled the code. Have fun getting beat up by full +10 people while you have to pay for your refines b:cute
  • Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I still have never gotten the original code that was supposed to be mailed ....I was on when all were abusing the free code one and chose not to use still made me sick to watch all the spam of those who were though...I wont be quiting game because of it though butit does depress me to see that now im even further behind others who chose to "cheat" to get free stuff...I don't play game to be the best but to have fun...just wish more did the same
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am a computer programmer. I also host websites and run Teamspeaks. Before maintenance they should back up the server. There is no excuse. It is common sense! That is all I have to say.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    farah89 wrote: »
    Moderators... pls tell me where is proper place to put my video...

    You've already posted it twice. In this very topic which is where we've asked for this thing to remain. Is there really a need to spam it more?
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I've already left the game. I can't stand by again and watch people get ahead by abusing the system and there be no consequences. The scales that were unbalanced have now been toppled.

    Yes I am a cs'er. I work my *** off in the elements to afford my simple pleasures of the game. I can no longer justify working hard to master my toon as well as working hard in my field to afford to buy better gear to have that work negated by people who abuse offers and a game management team who in essence could care less about it. Just keep spending money and they're tickled at your stupidity to do so.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    potatoking wrote: »
    So you guy decided not to rollback but to punish those who abused the code...
    How Will punish them? If you suspended their account, when they come back they still have the orbs in Mail or orbs that already been used.

    If you decide to banned their account, they can argue back (blaming on your server side) stating server were too laggy and so they had to refresh the page to make it work... trust me, it took 5 mins for the page to load.

    So, yeah.. not happy with your decision at all, should rollback and be done with.. i quit for good and my question is, will you guy reimbursed me back my golds i bough and never used in the past week....

    The biggest issue with a rollback is people have farmed during x2. However i still think rollback at this point is the best idea. This is a huge mess.... Honestly, I think all servers but Arch should not have even gotten any +10 orbs. It was a stupid idea to begin with.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    montoyaaa wrote: »
    Because of the abuse they disabled the code. Have fun getting beat up by full +10 people while you have to pay for your refines b:cute

    thank you oh well time to go play something else lol
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    # 1 Final Compensation - For All (11.22.13 Updated)
    **** U ALL...b:laughread carefully ...that what it saz
    u shouldnt edit is true
  • Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pwi should give code for those who havent received anything
    this is just not fair

    and IP BAN those who abuse the damn code
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Don't jinx it. I want to have some hope that I'll be able to log into the forums in the future and not have to worry about a flaming wall of rage. b:cry

    Check the first post. DoD has made an update on the situation.

    Ikr, this rage is to HAWT too handle... I am so feeling bad for you forum mods that do NOT get paid. D:

    I am SO glad I never had to deal with the amount of rage on these forums as the ones I have moderated over the years. (not pwi of course)

    EDIT: I so gotta earn brownie points while I can, as I probably annoy them from time to time as I am one of the few who are usually quite vocal when I deem something to be rather unfair.

    *still waiting to see what they do*... If they do what they did with the goon glitch I will NOT be happy.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just All sent a mail to Costomer support, with a complain, that you didn't get the pack.

    name server :
    account :
    char :

    And ask them to sent a pack there. I didb:chuckle

    Hope it helps, we will see, can't do anything else about it no more i think.b:surrender

    Did you get a pack?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thank you oh well time to go play something else lol

    for what its worth, im in the same position as you <333
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    montoyaaa wrote: »
    Because of the abuse they disabled the code. Have fun getting beat up by full +10 people while you have to pay for your refines b:cute

    Guess it's pointless for people to go Nations wars now because it's not going to be equal, it's going to be RRR9 with +10 refines's wiping the smaller ones out & then pking each other just for the fun of it.

    Games going downhill rapidly b:surrender
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did you get a pack?

    I be surprise if he did lol
  • Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    GM answers in 2-3 days time
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    3) After using the it said "you will be able to redeem this code again in 10 minutes" so, I DONT THINK IT WAS A BUG AT ALL, IT WAS NOT ABUSE.

    People who dont know what was happening, when they see that message that we can use the code again in 10 minutes , (TOLD BY PWI COMPANY), it was obious everyone was gonna use it again.

    This is what i was saying to...
    Most ppl dint know... so just leave it as it is or roll back (2 days now) , take ur pick and forget this ever happend, PWI screwed up... now move on as it always was.
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    charge ZEN now , there free stuff there...sure i will b:laugh
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    You've already posted it twice. In this very topic which is where we've asked for this thing to remain. Is there really a need to spam it more?

    MORE! :D Well I wanted it to be easy to see, here is already... almost 300 sites with QQ (1 day) more than in thread with new expansion or with rolling back Archosaur server. I put it only once, but when someone delete it. Im just sad like others who wanted fair solution... Never QQed about GMs mistakes, but this was too much... I would be thankful it there would be my thread back (even closed).
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think nearly everybody can agree with me... Take away the orbs from those who misused it, in otherwords, rollback their character 30 hours. Not a big deal, if they farmed OH WELL they shouldnt have spammed the code.
    I say that because not everybody knew they shouldnt spam it, yes, there are people that stupid :)

    Then, give the people that DIDNT get the pack, the pack. That simple.

    Then lets just move on? It was a mistake, if it is solved fast enough it wont matter that much, yes? If we wait a week people will have a lot of new TT mats, money, etc and rolling back would be harder.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    potatoking wrote: »
    So you guy decided not to rollback but to punish those who abused the code...
    How Will punish them? If you suspended their account, when they come back they still have the orbs in Mail or orbs that already been used.

    If you decide to banned their account, they can argue back (blaming on your server side) stating server were too laggy and so they had to refresh the page to make it work... trust me, it took 5 mins for the page to load.

    So, yeah.. not happy with your decision at all, should rollback and be done with.. i quit for good and my question is, will you guy reimbursed me back my golds i bough and never used in the past week....

    10 minute delay being put in place was prob based on the lag expected but then the abuse came. You can CLEARLY see lag vs abuse and if you are quitting without spending the gold you put into the game that should be on you. PWI did there part and is still doing the best they can to move forward without everyone feeling entitled every 2 seconds just because they didn't get what they wanted.

    It's a server with FREE to play all over it. OPTIONAL to buy, be thankful they gave us something for a bad maint, and the fact they went above and beyond with the stuff.

    The game is better then most others for there lack of fixing probs. a prime example is diablo 3. The failed auction house that steals from people real money and the coding to reduce drops across entire server based on what's in the auction house is being SLOWLY TAKEN OUT from what sept 2013 all the way too march 2014 knowing they are not fixing the current issues, just getting rid of it.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    farah89 wrote: »
    MORE! :D Well I wanted it to be easy to see, here is already... almost 300 sites with QQ (1 day) more than in thread with new expansion or with rolling back Archosaur server. I put it only once, but when someone delete it. Im just sad like others who wanted fair solution... Never QQed about GMs mistakes, but this was too much... I would be thankful it there would be my thread back (even closed).

    They're still here. Go to the forum index and scroll to the bottom.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    ps: i didn't even used the code but i play this game for long enough to know what comes
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    GM You have been unfair, Some others do not gain
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol. f t shet , iam outta here !! good luck b:bye
This discussion has been closed.