Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you are not on Archo.... you get NOTHING.

    Thanks, have a good day.
    Child, look at thread title and first post.
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    The page was overloaded and some people took advantage of that. Releasing another code now, especially when they're still dealing with the mess caused by this one, would only end with the same thing happening on a wider scale because more people will now be aware of it and will try to abuse it.

    Since they've stated the intend to punish those who were egregiously abusing this, adding even more to that right now is the worst idea they could provide. If they choose to make another code, or even give anything at all to those who missed out, it will likely be in the future when they've been able to put some thought into it to avoid a repeat of this incident.

    Are you saying to wait and we will be compensated if we did not get the last code? If that is what you are saying it seems reasonable to me. I do hope we get the same compensation or better because we have to wait as you gave out on the last code.

    Can we expect a timeline as to when we will receive the last code?
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Would be nice if it was fixed, however I'm assuming the ability of that page to be broken hasn't been fixed since nothing was mentioned about that

    Indeed I would not be one bit surprised if that is that case. They definitely havent been the best about letting us know about everything that is going on behind the scenes... some of it is very udnerstandable.. but others like this... it does suck to be out of the loop. D:
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lets us all abuse code then ;D if there wont be new one

    since more than half PWI is now +10/+11

    well let every1 be that good

    what makes half pwi better than rest of us?
  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This was open to all servers you idiot. Read OP. Archosaur got 5x and this. Once again like i said earlier you guys keep QQing about a dang rollback and you get everything. So again ill say i invite a rollback if it means 5x exp, orbs and i guess even more since the mod only said archosaur gets a targed reward or whatever.

    Meanwhile servers like mine get nothing even though our servers were down hours longer than yours every single maint and we were frozen in instances etc etc?

    This seems fair.

    I could've transfered my orbs to your server... I have had a toon on my accounts there for years. I started in Harshlands. I left because of being pwned too much in a pvp world. That's my choice.

    I understand why YOU have a problem with the code. But if it was limited to Archosaur Server players in the first place and their accounts this wouldn't have been as much of a problem, HOWEVER, then it was released to the general public and this happens....

    I'm sure you can tell who got all +10 or higher because of this. They will be the noobs pking you. Feel free to submit tickets.
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013


  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    At least change the name of this game to "DlCK MOVES INTERNATIONAL" so that people who are still willing to try it out will know what they're getting into.

    As for players like me who got nothing from all of this and have been shafted time and time again, i think it's about time we realized that we should not be supporting this game or this company
  • Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This was open to all servers you idiot. Read OP. Archosaur got 5x and this. Once again like i said earlier you guys keep QQing about a dang rollback and you get everything. So again ill say i invite a rollback if it means 5x exp, orbs and i guess even more since the mod only said archosaur gets a targed reward or whatever.

    Meanwhile servers like mine get nothing even though our servers were down hours longer than yours every single maint and we were frozen in instances etc etc?

    This seems fair.

    Because PWI is stupid, everyone in the harshlands server is fed up, they cant even maintain server status to keep the damn servers onlines. And now i guarentee the punishment for spamming 50+ orbs will be a 3 day ban if not a 1 week ban. Pwi is so corrupt and unjustified with their punishments its unbelieveable. I **** you not i guarentee the harshlands bans will not be in excess of 1 week
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They sent me an email to redeem the code as i didn't receive my code when others did, yet in the same breath, they took it away. Have sent in ticket about this.

    Question i have is, why send me a code that they deactivated? Does this mean i miss out yet AGAIN because of people abusing the generosity of PWI?

    yes it does mean this
    the lack of grammar only show the unintelligent, that the poster them-self is unintelligent. :) You are able to spell very well, good for you b:pleased
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you are not on Archosaur server, you will get....


    It's as if you broke into Wonka's lab and stole the fizzy lifting drinks!

    You wanna know why?

    (Whispering) Because you weren't on Archosaur Server... so why are you getting compensated?

    Well, it happens that ALL my accounts are in Archosaur server only. I would't be crying i f i was not affected by these whole thing. I am just asking for a fair compensation. i dont want to receive 30 codes for +10 orbs. all i am asking for is what you promised at first, in genenral terms. All i really want is not to feel cheated or put a side, while some (mostly everybody) got not one but 3 codes with a wide range of stuff on them, a few pople of us we got 1 code or nothing at all. I want to be equal. I just want what is right to compensate for all the items, time, coins and features i lost on all my toons for the rollback. thank you.
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    preston77 wrote: »
    Child, look at thread title and first post.

    lol true. Its getting extremely annoying that archosaur server acts as if they were the only ones with problems these last few months. It's just not true and even a GM acknowledges this. You had a rollback, you got 5x and this compensation so you got something better than all other servers.

    Stop with the QQ and be happy. Unless you got nothing like me than continue QQ but dont say OHHH ONLY ARCHOSAUR SHOULD GET ANYTHING cus thats just stupid you werent the only ones with trouble ffs.
  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    preston77 wrote: »
    Child, look at thread title and first post.

    Take your own advice please.

    The only compinsation they will be releasing in responce to this was the ONLY ones they should've released it to in the first place.

  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    LOLOL how the hell does a game company that makes billions in $$$ make a mistake like this ? LMAO
    Find the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry
  • Posts: 4
    edited November 2013
    U guy release the big error and not roll back. Nice. So how about who not get anything? some got like 40+ orbs. That make we can't even beat their alt in pvp server while other player who not got like them......and this is not first time too. last time dreamcheazer pack glitch PPL who got it like 4k. They will not need to buy res scroll, tele and other useful pot for the rest of their life in PWI..........Now Orb again................That happen cause u guy not announced 1 or more day before release( Don't know why u guy add notice board in game and not use to announce..most ppl like me don't check the forum often so we miss the chance ) and not well tested before released.Now 3-4 years of my game life in pwi END. Can't take it anymore...............b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol true. Its getting extremely annoying that archosaur server acts as if they were the only ones with problems these last few months. It's just not true and even a GM acknowledges this. You had a rollback, you got 5x and this compensation so you got something better than all other servers.

    Stop with the QQ and be happy. Unless you got nothing like me than continue QQ but dont say OHHH ONLY ARCHOSAUR SHOULD GET ANYTHING cus thats just stupid you werent the only ones with trouble ffs.

    Really? Tell me about how your toon wouldn't show up on Harshlands again....

    Wasn't that fixed in under 2 hours?
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    now even damn scammer is +11 as refine
    only 2 peaces of his gear is +10

    i saw him at elder probably still trying to refine other stuff till +11

    and since he is not banned even if ppl send 20 tickets about him
    i wont be surprised if he wont be banned now
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you are not on Archosaur server, you will get....


    It's as if you broke into Wonka's lab and stole the fizzy lifting drinks!

    You wanna know why?

    (Whispering) Because you weren't on Archosaur Server... so why are you getting compensated?

    you are an idiot go back and read this was an all severs code your precious arch only code usable on any char on same account on any server is different
    the lack of grammar only show the unintelligent, that the poster them-self is unintelligent. :) You are able to spell very well, good for you b:pleased
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    With a QQ here and a QQ there, here a Q there a Q..everywhere a QQ

  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so what now ? some ppl got **** load of d. orbs and some got none ? and they leave it like this ?
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hello Perfect World Citizens!

    We've Finalized Our Compensation Efforts For The Past Month Of Various Issues That Have Affected Many Of You This Holiday Season.

    -redeem The Following Code To any Character On Any Server For A Collection Of Goodies including Bound Dragon Orbs! The Code Is Redeemable Once Per Account.


    code ends On Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 Pm Pst

    We Thank All Of You Who Have Stayed With Us During These Turbulent Times, And Please Continue Being Awesome!

    -pw Team

    We've Disabled The Code While We Investigate The Situation Of Code Abuse.

    Here Is What I Was Able To Get:

    - We Will Not Be Rolling Back The Servers.

    - A Highly Focused And Targeted Archosaur-specific Compensation Effort Will Be Enacted.

    - We Will Be punishing Legitimate Abusers Of The Compensation Code Who Received far More Than Is Possible From Redemption Page Lag. We Will Be Doing So In A Detailed, Focused Manner Which Will Make Progress On Punishments Slower But More Precise. So Do Not Worry If You Are One Who Got More Orbs Unintentionally. We Do Not Want To Penalize Those Who Did Not Intend Abuse Of The System.

    Regarding The Level Of Abuse, From The Data In Front Of Us, It Was Not Quite As Widespread As Many Believe. It Was Mostly A Few Dozen Or So Who Abused The Code From Means Other Than Lag/timeouts. The Perception Of It Being Widespread Is Due To The Unintentional In-game Message Spam Distorting The Situation, And Nonfactual Boasts In The Forums Or Worldchat.

    This Is The Reason Why There Will Not Be A Rollback.


    Plus i still want my d orbs how come i get nothing no rollback no nothing is gonna happen.

    the players who didnt get anything including myself arent happy
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so what now ? some ppl got **** load of d. orbs and some got none ? and they leave it like this ?
    Sadly : Yes !
    and known wat ?
    probably good time to leave this shethole !
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so what now ? some ppl got **** load of d. orbs and some got none ? and they leave it like this ?

    pretty much, and also if you arent on archosaur then they arent working on getting you a compensation.

  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Are you saying to wait and we will be compensated if we did not get the last code? If that is what you are saying it seems reasonable to me. I do hope we get the same compensation or better because we have to wait as you gave out on the last code.

    Can we expect a timeline as to when we will receive the last code?
    No. What I'm saying is if they do so (I have as little information as everyone else here on that matter), doing it right now with yet another public code is the worst possible way as that just opens the floodgates for more abuse on a larger scale than before.

    So if something happens, we'd expect it to be in the future after they've had time to deal with this crisis and put appropriate thought into it.
    Indeed I would not be one bit surprised if that is that case. They definitely havent been the best about letting us know about everything that is going on behind the scenes... some of it is very udnerstandable.. but others like this... it does suck to be out of the loop. D:
    Pretty much.

    And being out of the loop sucks more when people confuse you for someone with any authority in the matter and expect you to be able to do things you can't. b:laugh
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so what now ? some ppl got **** load of d. orbs and some got none ? and they leave it like this ?

    Your own faction mate WendyFairy got 30+... go talk to her maybe she'll loan you some money, cause shes never gonna need to buy 10* orbs again cause shes perfectly capable of +10ing everything now
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Think we will see another new CM pop up now?
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
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  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So what are you gonna do for those that could not log the code meaning no packs for us
  • Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As someone who was r999 12+ i think this was good for balancing the servers and actually saving the game considering that the game has been more active since this free giveaway. The longer you wait for a rollback people will lose there stuff they got from nw and the stuff they farmed. The people that are crying cause they didn't get as much as other o well pwi will be a better place without these whiners. Ty for the code.
  • Unknown
    edited November 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So what are you gonna do for those that could not log the code meaning no packs for us

    That is what they are saying. Sorry.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    code is expired? b:sad
This discussion has been closed.