TZoner - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • I never dced on either of my characters.
  • I say every way to secure our accounts is also another way for hackers to get in. We really don't need this what we need is actual real time GM support in game as we should have. We need actual care for the game, real ticket support and a CM that isn't stretched between many different games. These are the many things we…
  • One has to wonder....when they do things like the time change it is also a reset of the server but that takes maybe an hour....why does a weekly reset take 3? I mean seriously everything they do for our servers seems to take forever and yet hardly helps any.
  • LOL win. But in all seriousness they may not be doing maint due to the server reset for time I am not worried. Course is PWE hadn't decided to spread sparkiesoft like butter and use him for other forums and games MAYBE this would not be a problem.
  • Wow i just have to say this is not a first for PWI....anyone else remember when they first started removing DQ? The patch notes said NOTHING about a change but they had changed the writing on the DQ items themself, once i put up a thread asking about this all a sudden half way through the day the patch notes mentioned the…
  • Word! Cheers to BL for a great and fun TW.
  • Not a problem and dont let the door kick ur butt on the way out....I am sure we will do great without you since you are crying about being in a faction that WON the TW we did. We will do more TW after reset and own more territory and you will miss good job. Enjoy being out of our great and fun loving faction. Be a…
  • Trash talking Volts choice of where to TW is kind of just showing you are butt hurt that you lost. Volt only had about 20 people in that TW which was lots of fun. Nice to hide behind some generic avatar and spout nonsense about how angry you are you lost. Sorry you lost but i for one had a great time. BL is a fun faction…
  • I have to say that this is quite ridiculous that PWE can't undergo a simple time change without all hell breaking loose. People put probably hundreds of thousands of dollars into their pockets regularly and they repay us with **** like this? Seriously? Also why are forum mods simply closing threads with no word why…
  • FYI this wouldn't have been a problem if PWE didn't spread sparkiesoft thin by forcing him to be CM for more games then just PWI now. Cuz clearly PWI isn't important enough to PWE anymore.
  • I still don't get why PWI can't have it's time adjusted while we are still on. No offense but many other MMOs dont close their servers for a simple time change. Why does PWI have to?
  • Like i said tell them to move me there and they have a faithful employee lol. GOGOGO get me in and things will pick up a bit xD. Not that i have any hope they would be willing to pay to move me there but meh. I know they have a hard job and it sucks how understaffed they clearly are. They should have at least a few peoplle…
  • Was it full of beligerent mumblings of anger and witty retort? Were there lot's of bleeped words? If so you are on the right track for how many really feel. Sometimes its hard to keep it civil but sadly we have to. (Goes on a well known social media cite to rant expletives about PWE and their lack of care for their…
  • This i find to be quite annoying. I guess PWE has officially deemed us not important enough for personal attention via our own CM. They keep stretching their workers across many games rather then hiring on new people just to save money. Tell them to pay me and move me out there, I can sit at a comp all day and take care of…
  • Yea i guess not .....xD i tried this and was shocked at how fast it was. I know my comp is decent but it shouldnt take a couple seconds to patch. b:thanks
  • Told you my math sucks xD. Thanks for the clarification i did have a feeling i was off by a little. b:victory
  • You do realize they already removed the old DQ system...even though we were told way back before that that they wouldnt remove it till the new one was in place. Not to mention the fact that they tried to sneak in the removal of DQ in the first place without mentioning changes to the DQ items themselves till i made a thread…
  • I can say i do know one thing. During 2x....and i would assume 3x as well when you use hypers to kill mobs you do not get 2x exp multiplied by 12x exp from hypers. Instead it gives you 14x exp total from the base exp the mob would normally give you. So a mob giving 10 exp during 2x will give you 70 exp with hypers during…
  • Sign me up.....i await this server. You rock. SOLID GOLD!
  • Bumping this thread in the hope that we get SOME sort of new response. I mean at least it would be nice to say we are close to having something for you....or we have decided to scrap it. It is not a good business practice to make promises to your loyal player base and not deliver on them for such a very long time....and a…
  • I would like to see this done....thanks for clearly giving a **** about our community of gamers and pushing to see stuff done. I am afraid though that we won't like any response we get.
  • This thread is still going? And clearly downgrading to trolling. The fact is that OP is right in a WAY but the truth is we all know FC will never be hyperable again. PWE cares far more about making money then giving us what we want.
  • Good point but this is an online game trying to help promote something so there is really no reason they can't be a bit more giving since they are being so already. Giving a profundity scroll for $25 is kind of silly....they could at least offer something a bit more useful such as a D/S event card. They are not exactly…
  • WTB a full compensation for all players for this **** up...i spent gold too and got nothing b:chuckle (no i really did spend gold just not enough to deserve a reward. I do feel for the people here that didnt get what is owed them.)
  • Not really i could tell he wasnt referring to it as another game...however calling it PW2 WILL confuse others. Much easier to simply call it what it is. An expansion to our current game. Calling it an expansion just makes more sense then saying PW2 for my above reasoning.
  • Calling it PWI2 is kinda silly we all know it's just an update for our PWI. This entire subject is kinda mute tbh....we all should know by now that everything PWE does is geared more and more towards making money. DQ at this point is a joke with so many people on the server having quit or still quitting. Removal of the…
  • THIS! I love helping out a good foundation but you hear way too much lately about how few of the money donated actually goes to helping peoplle. Sorry if I refuse to help out a foundation when not only am I not sure where my money is going but I feel it is really just a gimmick. This almost feels like PWE is making a last…
  • TY Sylen and heero for that info.....still wonder if it is somehow related to the spend rewards but your help to the forums is very appreciated always.
  • I am thinking it is related to the spend rewards being emailed to friend pmed me after the first crash saying he just got a mail with spend rewards so it may be related...which just shows you that PWE needs to invest more money into our servers.
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