Syn - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • To OP: Whenever I'm back on Sanctuary, I will definitely accept aid from you. You did nothing wrong. I've been in fail squads, hell I've caused fail squads, but unintentionally on my part. First BH ever done and it was after a five month hiatus, I wasn't used to working with my herc anymore, and drew aggro on too many…
  • Like the others said, it's all about how you play the game. On Sanctuary, my main was arcane until I was in the 50s, then switched to LA. So far it's worked for me, and yes I do have herc, I don't notice that much of a difference. I don't draw aggro from any mob unless I've attacked a mob before my herc gets aggro, ie I'm…
  • I've worked with good barbs, I've worked with bad barbs. I've heard all the stories about how bad barbs have it..all I can say is, suck it up and reroll if you don't like it. Either way, not my problem. I've tried out a barb, didn't like it..maybe I'm just partial to venos, bms and clerics. I've taken to agreeing with…