Was I wrong?



  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Now, moving on to this next post.

    Heh well. I have no feelings about users asking for res near Broken Bow. I think most often it's because they don't want to run back and not so much related to Exp loss. It's likely they have no knowledge of how exp loss correlates to revive level. Or at least, I ddn't at level 2x.

    I do however, have feelings about it when it is a 6x char dead in the Swamp whispering me ( Archer ) for a revive and shouting out for minutes at a time. Learn from your mistake, Res yourself and grind your exp back, it isn't the end of the world. It's exp, you will get more I promise.

    If you shout for a babysitter ( Cleric ) every time you die, you don't LEARN anything. You just continue to AOE mobs ( While standing in the swamp water, dealing half damage) or whatever the case and die. Then shout for a healer again.

    Learn the mobs, learn the player skills, learn what your doing wrong and try to avoid it. I understand everyone dies. But laying there for the same length of time it takes to grind it back is well..I don't know what it is. I can recall one time a user laid there long enough for me to make 100k. No excuse for that. I can imagine at that time he probably asked a healer to stop playing the game to cater to his needs. He did stop shouting but remained in the same spot.
    I wish there were more people like you. I really do

    Ty ^_^ Heh well I don't heal anymore, I retired at 73 , now I kill and I solo :o
    Charms are expensive, I have no need for food, and I provide apothecary items to squad mates so they'll be more likely to stay alive to help me. I can solo some of my BHs but it goes much faster if I have a (half way decent) squad.

    When I have extra MP pots, I do give them to the healer or I give them other items too. When I was healing I had one nice person give me apothecary potion. It was the nicest thing. Of course you can't expect everyone to have the money and such to come with that level of preparedness, However this BM was prepared and that is what allowed him to to get the job done. I hope that after players have a terrible experience they learn from it.

    I can't solo my BH. I can of course with a zeal and heavy damage. Right up until the boss. I need one healer for Fushma and 2 for Zimo. either both spam IH or one using regeneration aura and one using IH not impressive for a BM or barb, but it is for a "squishy" archer~. I doubt I can kill the Wyvern never tried same for Rankar. Bh's are always nice when everyone just does their job and nobody says a word because they don't have too.

    I've been lucky on this char. Maybe 2 squad wipes. One I can recall is at the Wyvern. The BM thought they could tank Wyvern for their first try. JUST before the BM ran in I was given bramble guard. The healer had not healed for Wyvern before and did not stack the BM with IH before going in. They instead ran directly to the Wyvern and used regeneration aura and died instantly, the BM died after which the Wyvern promptly chased me because of Bramble then killed me and everyone else. I offered some advice from my own experience which was of course, don't bramble me, stack IH before the BM goes in, wait about 10- 15 seconds healing from distance spamming IH. Use BB if you feel the rest of the squad needs it from the AOE otherwise use jiaozi pots and armor powder which I provided. He decided to just use BB and it was fine. Fun times. I'm done in this thread. Thank you everyone have a good day. ^o^

  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I only tolerate it so far. Boo hoo if you lose XP because you wanted to make me wait for your laziness or failure. I'm losing XP, Coin, and rep for these sorry people who think playing the game is making as much XP with as little effort as possible. These are the same self centered jerks that have coin fall at their feet and leave it there so I have to run over to pick it up for the benefit of the squad. There are these idiots in this game that also want to wait at an FB boss for some jerk that just had to finish their WQ before coming. NO! -I'm not waiting.

    I'm not saying I won't wait for people, but I'm not going to wait for stupid self centered reasons. You laying there dead waiting an inordinate amount of time for a res costs everyone else in your squad. Suck it up and deal! XP is stupid easy to get in this game, Coin, Rep, and play time aren't.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Boozin - Sanctuary
    Boozin - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Again, many thanks for all the positive response, it does make me feel a little better to know I wasn't "in the wrong" (matter of opinoin) .... It is restoring my faith in ya'll to continue to see the responses that are on the "plus" side....

    ...and as an aside, tonight insted of sitting at the head hunter in arch to try an find a random squad, I thought wtf, why not go sit at entry to the fb/bh an ask if anyone had room in their squad...

    I was lucky enough to be welcomed into a squad made up entirely from 1 fac who were more than willing to let me do what i could to help the whole way through.... not only was it an amazingly fun squad to work with, but they knew their shhit, i did what i could to help, and i made a new friend or two... it also restored my faith in it all.....

    ...sadly i guess a fail squad will always be a fail squad but thank goodness they aint all like that...... I guess I gotta just keep at it an hope i work with more ppl like i did today an can foget the FAIL people of yesterday b:dirty
  • randompersona
    randompersona Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Fail squads are common around those levels (I can't even start listing how many times an archer or veno has stolen aggro on Qingzi and caused us a squad wipe). SOMETIMES fail squads can just be attributed to ignorant/newbish players.

    I'm definitely gonna blame the barb/cleric on this one. Once they realized that the cleric was still in the cave and not rez'ing, then should have town tele'd. The fact that you could solo tank Farren is really impressive, and, they had no right to expect you to take the charm **** just for their stupidity (what is a 6x barb even doing dying on Farren?)

    Reminds me of the time a cleric town tele'd when we reached farren and the first AoE hit (she had previously commented on how 'hard' it was to heal five people, and her version of 'buffs' is the HP/MP one) and farren proceeded to slowly eat through our three barbs and BM. We managed to kill him by the time he hit the BM... And only me and the BM got credit.

    But really, you're gonna run into failures, 'specially if you're the only tank. I find the only reason that people think BMs are bad tanks is because the DDs in the squad rip aggro because they don't know how to deal with a non-barb tank. Then they scream at the tank (I've had this happen on Qingzi both when I was tanking and when BMs were tanking-- once the archer KEPT attacking even as the BM was running in circles waiting for the VENO to be rez'd... squad wipe...)
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I had a worse experience in a bh51. I joined a squad with another barb. The other barb for some reason didn't like me. First, he challenged me to a duel. I beat him easily. But, I since I'm so kind (*cough*), I said it was because I got lucky with the stuns. This barb was a higher level then me. Well, anyways, we start killing the mobs. We get to wyvern. Then, the leader disconnects and this barb gets the lead. He kicks me. Then he invites me (probably got yelled at by the rest of the squad). Then leader comes back on. I told him to pass lead, but he ignores me and attacks the wyvern. Just when wyvern is about to die, he kicks me. I don't get the kill even though I did the whole bh with them. Those are the type of idiots you need to watch out for. Oh, and I tried killing him, but I'de just used armageddon and I almost died myself.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    my worse bh was yesterday barb didnt went into tiger form n even cleric stealed agro coz of that >_< not even at boss T_T.

    b:angry from now on ima kos him

    no need to tell we died many tmes coz of that D:
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well tiger form keeps aggro better...if he uses the skills
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well tiger form keeps aggro better...if he uses the skills

    he stayed in human form all bh so fail of barb b:surrender
  • Phenoix - Heavens Tear
    Phenoix - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    to be honest if it hits me i will beat the heck out of it till it falls ..Just ask the ppl pvping the ppl who enter the cube .. i love seeking my herc on them and it waits for them to try it again ,, so to answer ur question if it hits u and u can kill it .then by all means kill it . they should have not let the party wipe like they did if there above u and u killed it..
  • Syn - Dreamweaver
    Syn - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To OP: Whenever I'm back on Sanctuary, I will definitely accept aid from you. You did nothing wrong.

    I've been in fail squads, hell I've caused fail squads, but unintentionally on my part. First BH ever done and it was after a five month hiatus, I wasn't used to working with my herc anymore, and drew aggro on too many mobs. Stupid mistake, I apologized and regrouped and did all right on the next go around. BH 51.

    I've worked with some of the best barbs in the business, I've also worked with some of the best bms, archers, clerics, venos and wizards. It's always a joy to work with them, but there's always going to be those fail squads. Either from not communicating right, or from not knowing their class.

    For me, I've always got a rule in any BH or FB regardless of what it is. I'm a DD, LA veno with herc, while I can tank, if a barb is present, I assist with herc, but I'm always right on either the cleric's or the tabber's side, protecting from mobs or from bosses if the barb loses aggro. Because let's face it, there are times that even the best barb can lose aggro on occasion.

    I've have a decent amount of negative % to casting, so if that happens, I've actually spammed venomous and drawn aggro to myself. I don't expect the cleric to heal me, nor do I expect a rez if I die, most of the time, I give the cleric a rez scroll if we're going into a hard fb or bh.

    And I have to say, if it's normal mobs, hello go to town. I don't care about exp cut, like everyone else said I can easily get it back, that's always been my view, even with my main on Sanctuary being in the 6xs. I laugh my butt off whenever I see someone shouting over WC or even in common chat about needing a rez.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    While doing a bh last night I ran into something that I had never experienced before and it really sorta made me mad... I don't think I was "wrong" but thought maybe I should ask.....

    After picking up my bh at the head hunter in arch yesterday, I stood around for a bit and answered a call from another person also needing to kill Farren... We form a squad with some other people (a lvl5x cleric, 5x archer and a 6x barb and myself) all of whom are unknown to me. No worries I think to myself, I don't mind doing bh with random parties.. I'm a pretty friendly guy, sometimes ya meet cool people etc etc..

    So anyway... once we clear the mobs etc an make it all the way to Farren, somehow (still not sure how) the rest of the party managed to get themselves killed while Farren is sitting at around 75-80% health still. So there I am, everyone else is dead (including the cleric so no one can get a rez) and Farren is still after me.. Since I cant seem to break agro from Farren, I think to myself I have 2 choices... either teleport back out wait for everyone to come back or grind away on Farren and hope they can make it back fast if they "go to town".

    I figure I have nothing to loose... I don't mind taking an exp hit if I die, I might as well try and do as much damage to the boss as I can while they make their way back. But as time goes by I notice that everyone is just laying there on the ground dead... after about 10min the cleric finally decides to "go to town", run back and I assume rez the others. Why the 10min delay I have no idea) By this time I've managed to grind Farren down to less than 10% health all by myself. At this point the lvl6x barb who has been lying dead at my feet for 10min starts to shout for me to back off and get away from the boss... I figure that no, Im just gonna keep going.. I've more or less solo'd him alone, my charms have taken a huge beating, I wanna see if I can finish him off... BUT I do say that if I manage to kill him, since they are dead and they wont get the bh complete, once Farren respawns I will help kill him again...

    In the end I do manage to kill him before anyone gets a rez, the barb is still lying dead at my feet. I give a small yay! to myself and right away the barb wants me kicked out of the squad because "I don't follow instructions".. WTF!!

    I must admit, this made me so mad I just left the squad of my own volition.

    So ya, I guess this mostly just a huge rant, but my question is... was I wrong to kill the boss while they just lay around dead even though I offerd to help kill him again? ...is that against some sorta etiquette?


    mobs in dungeons do not respawn. you have to leave, reset the dungeon, and come back. at your lvl you should know this.

    now i assume this was an unwined bh. 39 isnt too difficult to get through, but at lower lvls it is more of a challenge and more time consuming. so if it was unwined, then the rest of the squad wasted their time/charm/whatever to get to the boss (which they wound up not getting credited for). if it was wined and they all paid a share, then you'd owe them money. either way, you screwed them out of their bh.

    was it stupid of them to just sit there and not res? YES. incredibly stupid. i really HATE people who lay around waiting for a cleric res. and even more i hate clerics who dont get up to town immideately (a pro cleric carries res scrolls). ANYBODY who is worth anything uses angels, and any cleric who is worth anything carries at least 1 res scroll. and at those lvls, the exp isnt all that hard to regain.

    but you kind of set yourself up for this by continuing to fight the boss at all. you chose to solo it, so you cant complain about how much charm you lost. and by the time it was almost dead, you say the cleric had resed and was on it's way back. so yea, you should have waited at that point. that's just rude and inconsiderate. you did it for 10 minutes, whats another 2?

    now had they said from the get go "tank it for 10 mins and then another 5 while we all get back" then you'd have been right to say "**** this" and just kill the thing. but thats not what happened. they told you to wait while the cleric was en route.

    and sure, if you had waited and held it off for a few extra minutes, they'd all have gotten a "free" kill (free meaning they didnt help kill the boss.. but they DID help GET TO THE BOSS, which idk.. could you have done that by yourself? how much charm would that have burned?), and you'd probably feel cheated. if i were any one of them i would have been pissed, and if i were you i would have been pissed too. then again, i would not have laid around for longer than 30 seconds, nor would i have bothered to fight the boss solo for more than 30 seconds.

    so basically, you were all stupid and you all did the wrong thing. they should have resed right away, and you should have tp'd out.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    tweakz wrote: »
    I only tolerate it so far. There are these idiots in this game that also want to wait at an FB boss for some jerk that just had to finish their WQ before coming. NO! -I'm not waiting.

    I'm not saying I won't wait for people, but I'm not going to wait for stupid self centered reasons.

    first things you've said that i actually agree with =D

    cant stand people who fly to bh 79/89 from ARCH when EVERYONE ELSE tps in.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Technically, yes you were wrong not to try and nerf your damage. But at the same time, nerfing damage isn't easy to do, especially when your charm is dying in your place and the squad is too lazy to go to town or the cleric is too slow to realise he needs to.

    I will admit, I'm the lazy sort, I will wait for a rez if I die because, well I like not to lose too much EXP. In return I do tend to try and offer the clerics something, but I regularly get declined. Ah well, I try.

    However, sticking to the point, I don't blame you for doing what you did. I would have done it too - since I can obviously tank Farren at this level and I sure as heck won't waste my charm on a squad that fails hard like that. Or at least, barb and cleric that fail hard like that.
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Technically, yes you were wrong not to try and nerf your damage. But at the same time, nerfing damage isn't easy to do, especially when your charm is dying in your place and the squad is too lazy to go to town or the cleric is too slow to realise he needs to.

    I will admit, I'm the lazy sort, I will wait for a rez if I die because, well I like not to lose too much EXP. In return I do tend to try and offer the clerics something, but I regularly get declined. Ah well, I try.

    However, sticking to the point, I don't blame you for doing what you did. I would have done it too - since I can obviously tank Farren at this level and I sure as heck won't waste my charm on a squad that fails hard like that. Or at least, barb and cleric that fail hard like that.
    Unless, like I've said before, cleric failed a lot, in which case barb couldn't do anything. But yeah, pretty sucky squad all in all.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Boozin - Sanctuary
    Boozin - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ...but you kind of set yourself up for this by continuing to fight the boss at all. you chose to solo it, so you cant complain about how much charm you lost. .

    My bad if my initial post sounded like I was complainging about my charm being beaten down.. I read alot of posts from people who are angry when that happens to them. However, I for one am not like that. The whole reason behind having a charm is so that it can tick to protect ya..... it did its job. Charm ticks and exp loss due to running to town are part of the game... b:victory

    It was the attitude of "lets wait till he grinds the boss down to 10% health THEN try and rez", and also trying to shout at me to back off only AFTER my charm had taken a beating etc... and after it all having the nerve to say I "didnt listen" and should be kicked outta the squad...

    The charm ticks were a side effect of my decision to go toe to toe with the boss, I accept that... but after having it tick a ton times while grinding th boss down from 75+% to 10% if the party didnt rez/run back by then, at that point, why not just keep going? b:surrender
  • DrDrakken - Lost City
    DrDrakken - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I had a worse experience in a bh51. I joined a squad with another barb. The other barb for some reason didn't like me. First, he challenged me to a duel. I beat him easily. But, I since I'm so kind (*cough*), I said it was because I got lucky with the stuns. This barb was a higher level then me. Well, anyways, we start killing the mobs. We get to wyvern. Then, the leader disconnects and this barb gets the lead. He kicks me. Then he invites me (probably got yelled at by the rest of the squad). Then leader comes back on. I told him to pass lead, but he ignores me and attacks the wyvern. Just when wyvern is about to die, he kicks me. I don't get the kill even though I did the whole bh with them. Those are the type of idiots you need to watch out for. Oh, and I tried killing him, but I'de just used armageddon and I almost died myself.
    ....me has heard the same story from somewhere with the boss being farren...(think it was same siggy)b:shocked

    and really fail squad imo (find those alot for my bhsb:surrender)
    (best i could do T_T)
    b:cryYou were the best CM everb:cry

    August 12 - I'm officially 15 b:pleased
  • KottonKandi - Sanctuary
    KottonKandi - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    but wtf is a 6x barb with a 5x cleric backup doing being killed against Farren? (no insult to most barbs, i read alot of QQ against em sadly b:shocked)

    sadly, Ive seen a few FAIL barbs on sanctuary

    one in particular had 5 VIT and no citrines/refines... how he made it to 6x was beyond me, seemed like a barb that shoulda rolled a BM IMO rofl

    and i know its been said hundreds of times already :P you werent in the wrong, woulda done the same thing (except my BM is currently 29 rofl, farren would *explicit* all the *explicit* over me, re rolled from a veno cuz i was gettin too lazy) and personally im proud of you for managing to solo farren, hes a pain.
  • KottonKandi - Sanctuary
    KottonKandi - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    When the cleric isn't healing, but everyone else is still hitting, it can be hard to even run. You risk a party wipe by running in tiger, since some people decide to keep hitting and steal aggro. If the team has a second barb you can lead it away, but with only one barb you have to keep stopping and flesh reaming. If you lose aggro for even a second the boss might just turn and hit another member of your team. If they stop on the other hand, then you can run and survive. But some people just don't pay attention.

    The whole reason a decent number of people in our faction have vent (and working mic's and speakers, pretty useless if you dont got those :P) that way you can go "hey, our narcoleptic cleric just knocked out again, i can hear him snoring, on top of the not being healed part. im gonna drag the boss for like 5 mins till he wakes his @ss up, stop attacking"

    im not going to say whether thats actually happened or not...