Spinna - Sanctuary Arc User


  • What I do I don't do it with malicious intent Xaro$. I used Renegades because they were a faction large enough to express my point of view and that i remembered seeing a conversation that matched what i was ttrying to explain. It wasn't a complaint nor a suggestion made to ameliorate Renegades. It was only a way to let the…
  • I understand that a more advance civilization in the matter of war technology can defeat a larger amount of players with lower technology. But the thing is if you fight friday night, saturday morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night and sunday morning at some point you'll get tired either of the game or of a lack of…
  • It isn't impossible for the Sanctuary server to see new color on his lands. It would require some sacrifice from the player database though. If all of those TW factions were to attack every lands, there are enough time spot in the schedule of a day for around a dozen of TW, at 3 per block of time. No matter what you might…
  • How can u speak for others ? the only way you could is assuming that you do know the vast majority of PWI players personnally. Which means more than 50,1 % of the players. And since you desire ALL NEFARIOUS PEOPLE to be bann to the extrem possibility of that idea, then I assume ALL NEFARIOUS PEOPLE caused you great ill and…
  • i take SpiritDivine comment as in : " One big faction with all the lands and a lot of good players and equally a lot of **** players; or an equally big faction with the lands once the first one left, but still a big faction with all the lands and a lot of good players and equally a lot of **** players, what difference does…
  • Can't let people live in the dark, with fake hope and unrealistic options now can we ?
  • A wraith attack that attack a random territory every week on any of the seven days of the week. For now it would most likely be Nef. Nefarious deciding TW team leaders could let this fight go if it happens at the same time has a three attacking faction day. Then the week after they attack the land they loss and keep steam…
  • So many players saying they wanna take down Nefarious, yet is it only but when these people gain a certain level or a certain position and standing they start neglecting the one lower than them ? Let's say you don't see a lot of Regicide players hoovering above the FB19s cave offering to help lower level players. The…
  • A majority doesn't make ALL And that is assuming by myself that it is the majority. But as a gamer I came across some kind players on this game, perhaps they trashed-talk on other people behind their back or not, I can't say without reasonable doubt... if I get a single doubt then what you said is trash talking people that…
  • Can this arrogance in your text be call discipline too ? Certainly not... There for how can you deny people discipline when you don't show it yourself. A person actions doesn't always go by his saying.
  • I can understand the demand, for PWI TW time changes, but even though it would happen, as some said you wouldn't be the only one asking for time change. Personnally I am a university student, I work on week-ends and only show up for TW on night time. I couldn't show up later nor earlier and since i want to do TW I adapt…