SpiderBait_x - Lost City Arc User


  • Dude out of curiousity how do u refine? i bet you sit there with 1 item in and keep clicking hoping to hit a succession of Refine Succesful's You calling a person a fail troll for refining to +5 without orbs? ROFL man go uninstal the game please!. and +7 is very atainable without orbs, just use event gold and buy some…
  • i dont know if this was alrdy said or not because to be honest i got sick of reading the same **** posted by hundreds of ppl repeatedly, My opinion on this is. gee, wow.. its not the 'End' of Aps farming, Yea its gonna hurt solo farming alot for every1 but sins, but for when your squaded.. Spammng nirv in x2 etc its not…
  • I Hope that among these 2 new classes will be a new tank class.. No offence to all the lovely barbs around atm.. but theres just not enough of ye =/
  • So far on my genie i have.. -Second Wind... Heal every1 shud hav 1 really.. -Tangling Mire Pdef Debuff.. amazing for fighting HA or even LA, plus the little bit of a slow it puts on target helps now and then to -Explosion, Not an amzing skill i know, and no its not to fight HA mainly just for that extra range skill if som1…
  • First @ Trawne, i dont know if you hav mentioned who your sin is at all b4 or you just keepin it unknown but if not.. who are u ? xP with the amount u say u pk i must of seen u im always at pk spots And as a reply to the thread, with my current lvl i dont meet many charmed barbs/ bm's So genrally with full chi and bein in…
  • Messin around on youtube a seen a sick simpe combo compliments of Killermate on harshands.. Powerdash > Brambe Rage b:bye b:bye How many peope did you drop with that at once ? lol and near 2 shot the barb o.o
  • StainedBlade - 8/10 . . wud seem more like a name that a pvp player wud use..
  • This isnt in reply to any specific post or question but i thought it might be useful for som ppl out there.. this mainly wud concern ppl from lvl 29 plus considering the skill i mention.. Basiclly.. Tackling slash.. regardless of if the mob is gonna try kite me or not this is a god send.. i mean i cant use my chi fast…
  • Fair enough every1 is gettin worked up about this becuz u dont wanna use a bow against mobs.. and i prob wont against mobs either.. wait till u start doin Wyvern for BH and Cleric refuses to Blueball.. u can tank that damage from AoE soo.. just stand back with a bow.. thats all im goin to be usin a bow for, DD'n on an AoE…
  • its not good for Assassins becuz it does not stack and assassins get a self buff at like lvl 13 to increase crit rate by 12 % for 30 seconds.. lol waste of genie slot.. i wud use : Second Wind - Heal Extreme piosen - Amp Holy Path - Speed ( i knw we hav speed buffs alrdy but this is powerful and very useful ) and Absolute…
  • I hav thought of a meybe better use for Bows for Assassin.. HH / BH and such.. some bosses do AoE and well assassin is close combat class So.. Keep a bow and arrows handy for when u hav to DD on AoE boss, 20m range, Dont know if thats far enough away but hopefully it will... Technically u wud do as much damage as a normal…