SoulSlash - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • any of the assasins skills starting at lvl 29 do not auto attack afterwards. these include, Rib stike talking slash throatcut headhunt subsea power dash rising dragon shadow teleport shadow jump and earthern rift would be nice for u to fix these and make tideborn wings uppgradeable
  • i have played sin and barb, thier my 2 highest classes barb 74 sin 60 and i can tell u when my barb was lvl 71 (full tt70 gear, aqua helm, basically really good gear) i dueled a lvl 74 sin... i got totally destroyed, a sin CAN and WILL take down barbs. atleast 1v1
  • yes u can play 2 char from different accounts on the same machine. assuming you have an absurdly powerful computer. and run one of the copies sandboxed
  • well that is stupid... i have an account stash i don't want to make a new account. and waiting 7 days is just stupid.. is there no way for a gm to delete it instantly
  • ok i read through the first 2 pages, and found very few if any decent ideas. i may overlap some of the skills past page 2 but here are some of MY ideas. sins need a -pdef skill for the target since lvl 79 skills cannot be lvled and have no sage or demon effect it should be a decent amount. Torture deals base damage Cancel…
  • as for which genie to choose i cant help u much. but would avoid learning extreme poison. the sin 59 skill subsea stike overrides extreme posion. so wasting chi stones for your genie so u can use an effect that one of your skills already has is just dumb.
  • yeah shadow walk works well to end it.. however u need to remember that u cant cast shadow walk if your in combat mode. So if u get poisoned and cast shadow escape to get away. the poison damage will keep u in combat mode until the duration ends. therefore preventing you from using shadow walk to leave stealth until combat…
  • a combo that works well for me is: puncture wound deepsting spark. rising dragon slipstream if a ranged mob i do takle b4 the combo if increased life i do rib strike b4 the combo this combo seems to work extremely well but it does have a tendency to break if u forget to wait for rising dragon to cooldown b4 u use it again,…
  • that not entirely true, bow is very useful when doing bh39 for staying out of range of the exploding guys, and it also allows u to kill the tower in bh29 and therefore allowing you to completely solo up to qingzi. so bows have their uses.
  • im thinking use demon spark, then use that 2 chi gain apoc item, heaves flame from bm,subsea stike from sin, devour, and tree of protection to increase max hp for armageddon use, an have an veno amp. and see what that does.
  • ok for some stupid reason i cant quote the edited text in your last post... but for shadow teleporting not working with macros. since the skill is designed to get u close to an enemy to attack, it seems dumb that we cant make a macro to have us auto attack with a skill after we use it. stupid to have us stand there next to…
  • my main is a barb and at lvl 70 i gain 1 mana per sec meditating. and i hav about 1k mana just 2 days ago i finally got a "natures peace" ammy with +7 mana gain, which allows me to actully play the game without screaming for cleric buffs. but yeah mana gain should also be based on max mana not just magic.
  • sound like u want to use the hp helms at ur lvl, try to find ones with - req putting more in str isnt what u want to do of if u REALLY want to, and an extra point in str every 2 lvls that should allow u to use hp helms
  • bloodpaint may heal you more with more damage, giving you more health gain at higher lvls. However, your also taking more damage at higher lvls. and assasins don't have a healing skill that works out of battle, meaning soloing is going to be very tough without spending a lot of $ on life gain.
  • throatcut sounds good on paper, but it really isn't. the channel cancel would be good except the skill has a 1.1 channel and a 1.3 second cast. that 2.4 seconds b4 the attack hits. almost no enemy channels for that long a time. And u could do much more damage by using spark eruption. and silence just seems to make the…
  • edited first post to fix errors, i orginally thought rib strike and taclking slash don't worth with macros, they do. it was shadow jump that was breaking the macro. if a GM reads this please post so i know it has been seen.
  • i do think some things should get changed for barbs but i dont really like any of your ideas. im pissed that everyone got a new meditation and tiger barbs didn't
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