Yea apart from the obvious stuff, use channel pot + combo ( STA > QS > Deadly > Lightning )+ faith / AD, If the psy is in black, he ll die in the 3rd hit incase he reacts are uses psy will u got a magic follow up, make sure his AD and IG are in cooldown or unusable, till then use 4 magic ornis and tank easy ****, if u are…
idk when pwi archo forums became veitnamese fegget convention, gtfo trash viper go to **** elongation programs u ****ing useless azn feggot.
no, u go play video games more i ll buy u a hut iRL and a pair of chopsticks for u to fap with, feggot useless trash.
Look, idk what ur arguing about, but teletubbies sht guild, teddy tiger dai viper other azn trashes 0 skill full cash shop no future fegs, geogaddi is a feggot who humps proski used products,mesi is another joke l0l "i <3 fatality forever and ever he is the apple of my eye !" LOOOL, fatality another comedy peice 0 skill…
Sorry but i have to...................... Its just too tempting :( !…
"I will 1 on 1 Ice anytime, Yea im calling him out, I don't need to cheap shot or making up any excuses." ****ing useless trash get the **** off forumsb:thanks "why dont u give your pick?" Useless players so spastic 2 secs 1v1 perma white vodoo death ****ing useless. Yes, Ace or w/e he is…
Wild Veitnamese trash has appeared ! A) Fight B ) PkMn C) Bag D ) Run b:laugh so angry des bois LOL
BARB Best PK Barb= Mosses / DeadGame/ Spanker_d( rest mostly trash 0 skill, Mosses 1 hit iNinjadYourMom +12 r9 sage sin with tt90 gear kiss his *** beeches, neo barbs of server all trash useless fegs with gear / DeadGame,Spanker_d tanked all of narla in human form, none of these trash can ever do that LOL ) Best Cata Barb=…
u mad ? b:sad
Yes r9 chest boots and legs is not R9, its infact nirvana 4th cast, and extremely easy to aquire it also doesnt have a set bonus of 10 attack level when 2 peices are added b:sad
hardcore BR rite der b:chuckle Barb does have r9, check chest peice. Your prolly not familiar with barb r9, cuz ur experience is limited with psy. <3
Just fyi, skill isnt mindless repeating the same procedure over and over again ( sorta like CurseD_ not hattin, but thats how it is lol ) Skill is somewhat best described as intuition to do the best thing at any scenario, thats prolly why none of you will ever be treated on terms with the "old school" people, b:chuckle…
first off, both are r9, barb has zerk axes + r9 armour, gets zerk crit, psy misses glacial freeze **** 9 times in a row kkkkkkk, barb gets zerk crit in second arma, barb runs all around the map ( do that in vendetta, u ll get trolled all year, especially with a barb ) b:shocked so much skill involved right there, joke hard…
If a certain 2 players with gear start arguing with that amount of skill, you know that the server is trash, you have the time to QQ here cuz u cant pk ingame, I feel sorry for Dai, he stays as catshop for 2 years or so, finally starts pking with his good gear, and everyone that pks quits server, leaving him and Halazar to…
He had like 3k hp, wud die with knife throw WITH plume shell on, hence a waste, he was darn good, i remember pking Ashuras ( ULMOS and gang ) with him, The slightest mistakes would get him killed, yet he stayed alive for 20 mins or more, while keeping me alive and helping me slaughter b:pleased
Fyi 1v1ing is the worst messure of ones pk skills. As a wizzie your AOE placement etc etc is a lot more important than how much dex your genie has ( spark combo ) All i can do is laugh when a wb asks an ea to 1v1 b:thanks
Whoaa whoaa whooaa, get off my *** yo, have fun in pve server i aint gassing you and making you play pwv, pk died on this server and i got nothing to do with it at all, i dint cash shop my life's earning to gear up and kill people, i was always on the weaker side yo, Soochi dont *** kiss no one. If i could ever say i pked…
Lol, we criticise Vendetta, cause its the best thing around, its the only server that gives me "fun" and i assume to a lot others who like to pvp. As for Bash. See what i mean ? That kinda sentence is what a person who lacks maturity will say, a real server owner throbs during every second of downtime, while you just go…
Awwwb:sad ** that noob, ill give u 3 star gear b:laugh
F U homo ! b:laugh
1)Errrr About Bash, exagerated, but sorta true, he either is what u said or just not willing to put the $ with his "locked" paypal account. PWV GMs are the best, 100% rager proof, no spam, extremely friendly. 2)About PWI, its like facebook, you just get on to talk with ur friends, its a joke with the "new" content. Meh i…
b:chuckle Funny server, Funny people, You know where the real deal is, Its quite prominent who dominates when all have same gear b:laugh . Hardcore 1v1 playehs so cool so cool b:laugh, b:dirty keep this thread alive, so pro so pro. As for RT trollz, This link might be helpful b:kiss
Im sorry but this is uber fail way to stun lock xD, not hating on ya, but there were like 4 gaps i saw outta 12 odd stuns, check out this BM called Ferrrr hes like tt90/99 about the same as ur gear ( without the nirvana parts ), hes **** pro at stun locked :x oh and try to add the 79 skill between to stuns b:laugh but good…
His name is YoungerPK, cable b:sweat
xLiuZhiBox or YoungerPK ( ? )
Rynis ~ this peice of info cost u 20$.
Dayuuuuuuuummmmmmm old man entered troll modee, run kat before u get pwned, AGAIN b:shocked
Hi pedowiz, still hunting 12 y/os ? b:shocked
Did Geogaddi write this for you ? sounds like major QQ b:shocked b:sad u jelly old lady :( ?