Whats with all the Old school talk...Really.



  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oh my lol, do you play with "soften" on? might just be the video but everything looks lighter and puffy-like
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oh my lol, do you play with "soften" on? might just be the video but everything looks lighter and puffy-like

    ._. No, its just **** quality. HAHAHA.
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm afraid this is the best PWI video of all time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8SydSXpyIQ&feature=channel&list=UL

    so easy to watch too, no lag whatsoever
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kind of embarrassing world of sanctuary aka bloodmystic posting from noob alt account. Got something to say better or you just acted all pro behind your old school talk.b:bye Maybe not going blue name and start go active pk for once instead OH I M A PRO SCHOOOLER> b:sadb:sadb:sad

    embarrassing is r9 +12 level 105 before you show your face in pk, ijs

    And as for "posting from a noob alt account" - you think I post to hide my identity? I defy you to find an example of it. Unless you didn't know this was me - in which case you are the only one and I wouldn't mention it if i were you - you reveal yourself as a moron.

    And again, you are little challenge for me on these forums, little boy, as anything you say you have said time and time again, and I have answered in turn. You shall bore me no longer.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just wanted to say, half the people complaining about the old days have r9 now anyway. So like pretty much they have no place to complain about a huge difference in gear. :s

    The difference is, some of us avoided it as long as possible (I carried around my tt99 sword for ages after r9 - until literally every barb in tw was r9) and others of us (you know who you are) didn't even step foot into the ring until they had a gear advantage. So don't mistake reciting facts for "complaining", please.
    Despite the difference in gear right now, I'm still pretty sure back then, cash shoppers were still on top.

    Well of course. Thats PWI. The difference? 7 cash shoppers back then couldn't defend 40 players no matter what their gear. Which makes braging about it all the more (rather, less) remarkable.
    The difference between r8 and tt99/100 is not a big deal.

    r8 +4 has more magic attack than my tt99 +10
    But just because someone is r9 doesnt mean they 1 shot everyone with lesser gear.

    It means you CAN 1 shot them, yes.
    I'm just saying it takes me a lot longer than 10 seconds to kill some rank 8 people, they're definitely not a 1 shot if they know how to play their class properly.

    Yes, I am sure it takes you 15 or even 20 seconds. Epic fights, those.

    Don't feel badly. As I have said before, you aren't the first person to think that gear doesn't matter - while wearing the best gear in the game yourself. And you certainly won't be the last.

    If you last in this game another year or so, I can almost guaranty you that some big mouth in R10 will be blahblahblahing you about their skill and you will try in vain to point out to them the crazy difference gear can make.

    I did that on this server 2 years ago. Some are trying to explain that to you now. And you will try to explain it to them then. And so goes the circle of life on pwi.
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    embarrassing is r9 +12 level 105 before you show your face in pk, ijs

    And as for "posting from a noob alt account" - you think I post to hide my identity? I defy you to find an example of it. Unless you didn't know this was me - in which case you are the only one and I wouldn't mention it if i were you - you reveal yourself as a moron.

    And again, you are little challenge for me on these forums, little boy, as anything you say you have said time and time again, and I have answered in turn. You shall bore me no longer.

    dam is this bloodmystic??? sorry, i didnt realize that. didnt know u made a toon in a pvp server to become a "pro". Im just wondering, are r9 ppl on your pvp server blaming on other r9s? dude this is 2012 in 21st century, upgrade your brain dumbass, nobody cares how ppl lived in 1980s. the more you talk, the more how re-tarded u are
    thats my lil gift for u
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If a certain 2 players with gear start arguing with that amount of skill, you know that the server is trash, you have the time to QQ here cuz u cant pk ingame, I feel sorry for Dai, he stays as catshop for 2 years or so, finally starts pking with his good gear, and everyone that pks quits server, leaving him and Halazar to leg hump each other LOL, Im not trolling him, im genuinely feeling sorry for him b:sad PS : BLOOD is a lot better than most of u, simply cause. he has pked with crappy gear and won, where as most of yall have pked with superior gear ( and still continue to challenge players with lower gear for "Fair" 1v1 LOL ) so obviously ur reactionspeed choice of skill etc etc are clearly inferior. If a player has decent knowledge of this game, they will ignore such players cuz they are 1 big joke b:laugh

    Dont reply back, cuz mostly i wont see your reply as i will be having fun and pking on other servers jajajajajajaja
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If a certain 2 players with gear start arguing with that amount of skill, you know that the server is trash, you have the time to QQ here cuz u cant pk ingame, I feel sorry for Dai, he stays as catshop for 2 years or so, finally starts pking with his good gear, and everyone that pks quits server, leaving him and Halazar to leg hump each other LOL, Im not trolling him, im genuinely feeling sorry for him b:sad PS : BLOOD is a lot better than most of u, simply cause. he has pked with crappy gear and won, where as most of yall have pked with superior gear ( and still continue to challenge players with lower gear for "Fair" 1v1 LOL ) so obviously ur reactionspeed choice of skill etc etc are clearly inferior. If a player has decent knowledge of this game, they will ignore such players cuz they are 1 big joke b:laugh

    Dont reply back, cuz mostly i wont see your reply as i will be having fun and pking on other servers jajajajajajaja

    haha, good for u
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory
  • Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dai didnt goto PWV? thought thats where anyone with half *** decent gear went to enjoy the game like they intended when investing money (or AFK catshop time) and it failed.

    guess sitting in west hitting the ocassional lvl 70/80 people that are white named more fun-
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oks you just tell to everyone you really scared.LoL owned
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Someones butthurt about losing tw.

    Tell you what, why dont I 1v1 you, with r8 gear. Will that make you happy?
    QQ about gear all you want, I'll show you how it's done. :P
    I was not always r9 incase you didnt know.

    And fyi I've taken my rank 9 gear off many times to 1v1 people with lesser gear.
    Pk is pk, I enjoy 1v1s, makes me learn my class better.

    Another thing, superheals is pro at cleric in pvp. Despite him only having r8, he survives really well, even against my rank 9 gear. And when we 1v1 with r8 gear, the fight lasts really long.
    Holy path kiting, and skills all play a part in pk, whether you like it or not.
    :3 And just so you know, we're not cheap we dont use immune pots in pk mode but what would you know, you dont pk anyways.

    I suppose you lack real arguments as you start with personal insult, lol. I dont care if I win or lose TWs, Ive never joined a faction because they were winning TWs. Heck, the only time I joined a winning TW faction was Narla & when my friends left Impulse to join it. I`ve left Narla when it was on top, heck, I did the same with Rescind when they were winning, though I cant remember if they were top faction or not. But I suppose I`m now, despite years of opposite actions and reactions, suddenly butthurt over losing a TW? lol.

    I`ve never PK`d much but Ive been on PWI hiatus for a year prior to latest update. And by the time I got back, I felt like it would be pointless to enter in completely illbalanced PK. Oh, I`ve rolled my fair share of R9s, heck, only time Geo actually beat me in small scale PvP was in tourney with me forgetting to squad guildie BM --> AoE stunned me few times. But that`s beside the point.

    Point is how R8 cant be a threat to new endgame gear and also have the survivability to utilize that threat. Sins are the only sort of exception but I still giggle how mine hit swimma for 500 sparked. I got nothing against her but it was perfect example of how absurd the difference is between a R8 and endgame R9. I find it quite amusing how you cant admit R9 is completely broken in terms of power.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I find it quite amusing how you cant admit R9 is completely broken in terms of power.

    WNB, you just aren't a good listener. She has already said on these forums, Rank 9 isn't "broken" to them, it just "enhances" their pk skills.

    They also, I am sure, believe that the difference between +8 and +10 is the same as the difference between +10 and +12. After all, in each case its only 2 refines lower . . . .

    As I've said, if they last in this game another year or so, it won't be long till rank 10 barbs stand in her vortex and . . . . giggle.

    +20 vit stones, anyone?

    So until then, let them have their "fun" (well, they call it that) taking down AMP and their tt99 barbs. I would just point out that when proski cobbled together Elusive and we had only 15-20, we took on the big boys of the server. Shame teletubbies didn't have the balls for it.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    PS : BLOOD is a lot better than most of u, simply cause. he has pked with crappy gear and won, where as most of yall have pked with superior gear ( and still continue to challenge players with lower gear for "Fair" 1v1 LOL ) so obviously ur reactionspeed choice of skill etc etc are clearly inferior.

    I beg your pardon, but my 88 mold top +5 at level 101 was pro.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    WNB, you just aren't a good listener. She has already said on these forums, Rank 9 isn't "broken" to them, it just "enhances" their pk skills.

    They also, I am sure, believe that the difference between +8 and +10 is the same as the difference between +10 and +12. After all, in each case its only 2 refines lower . . . .

    As I've said, if they last in this game another year or so, it won't be long till rank 10 barbs stand in her vortex and . . . . giggle.

    +20 vit stones, anyone?

    So until then, let them have their "fun" (well, they call it that) taking down AMP and their tt99 barbs. I would just point out that when proski cobbled together Elusive and we had only 15-20, we took on the big boys of the server. Shame teletubbies didn't have the balls for it.

    Shush Blood. And I for one wouldnt go +20vit stones. Something like +5 def levels shards would be too cute and it would make barbs giggle.

    And come on, +12 isnt that bad! It`s only, speaking of added dmg from refines, it`s only 1.7 times the amount +10 gives and +10 is only 1.7 times what +8 offers. If one would like to compare how much +12 vs +8 goes? It`s only 2.9 times what +8 offers. Saying like there is any major advantage is simply poor sportmanship!
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Saying like there is any major advantage is simply poor sportmanship!

    Yes, yes, I know. They like to tell me "your rank 9 toooooooooooo"

    Don't tell them how it gives 20% more magic attack to Dai's weapon, and then that gets filtered through skills that give what? +500% weapon damage? They will just say your qq'ing instead of pointing out how naive their statements are when viewed in light of the mechanics of the game.

    And don't tell them how that advantage is multiplied by their lvl 105 advantage from cheating the game . . . . .

    Spoil sport

    These guys would watch the Dallas cowboys play the best high school team in the country and say "wow, dem cowboys are off the hook!", and when you try to explain it to them, they would say things like "they were the BEST high school team in the ENTIRE country. They were undefeated until they played the cowboys. I mean, sure, the cowboys were men and they were just boys, but you can't deny it still took SOME skill"
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    These guys would watch the Dallas cowboys play the best high school team in the country and say "wow, dem cowboys are off the hook!", and when you try to explain it to them, they would say things like "they were the BEST high school team in the ENTIRE country. They were undefeated until they played the cowboys. I mean, sure, the cowboys were men and they were just boys, but you can't deny it still took SOME skill"

    I dislike using sports as example of mechanics. It`s hard to form argument bout mechanics due the major part skill plays in sports. I played baseball, quite bit different version from the one played in states, and I was one of the best kids of my age. I played with older kids too and funny enough, I had more flexible role in the team for older kids. When I played for the team of kids for my age, my role was bit limited due how good I was at doing what I did, resulting into coach building strategies around of kitty doing what he does best.

    Now there are obviously more competent teams and more on the fun focusing teams mixed among earlier levels. With our version, there is 9 outfielders, we rolled games playing with 7 and obviously we were a lot better than the opposition. But I wouldnt say those were much of feats of skill for us, we were so much better that not winning would of been major downfall on our part. That`s kinda how R9 works if one wants to use sports as reference. R9 is simply out of different league and comparing it to other leagues would be shortsighted. Just like it was pointless for us to play against teams that werent focusing on the comptetetive side of the sport due the immense skill gap.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    How do you blame on sportsmanship when your gear have many josd , like i said earlier if you werent ****, you would gotten better refinement. Take off1 josd and sell when time of orb on sale = 5 ocean orb. Now if you weren't greedy your refinement would been high as hell. I did however remember there was a time Dai refinement was not good as your and you challenge him outside SP. his refinement if i recalled correctly were only +10 weapon and the armor were only +5-6 about the same as your blood. You thought it was delicious and you took the 1 on 1. Guess what pretty much out you lost and got butt hurt and ever since then blame on gears and etc. I don't see what your point is. You blamed on ping and fps, just let you know i always play on 3-5 fps and 500 ping. Next time will you blame anyway? All I see is someone who always say they are school and think they are like the shetz. I don't know back then and don't care but right now let live in the 21th century.
    Leader/co-founder of TELETUBIE
    make many haters want to qqb:cry
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ohhh, I have an idea! All the rank 9's that don't think gear matter we would be so happy to give you a home in Nemesis...I mean, not because of your gear or anything though. Please apply at pwinemesis.com b:laugh

    Seriously, I have to say gear does matter. Why do I say that? Because I am NOT that great at pk..I just don't seem to possess the skill talent many do but I do still love to TW and pk. Unlike some, I was one of the first to get OP gear on this server and I did it simply because I needed the gear to make up for my lack of skill.....and yes, it does, it absolutely does. I'm not embarrassed to admit that..I mean, everyone pretty much knows it so it would be more embarrassing to act like I have some kind of awesome skill when I know it's my gear that saves my *** a lot of the time. I'm not horrible or anything, but I'm not even close to the best. Good thing I have other talents in the game :D I'm not saying that having OP gear means you have no skill...just saying gear does make a huge difference in my opinion.

    Also, seriously, as a TW faction leader..I'm sorry, but it's pretty obvious that gear makes a difference. 80 vs 80...10 rank 9 fully sharded, fully refined against 30 of the same and i dont care how much skill you have, you are going to lose, lol.
  • Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Epic fun TW- Indians vs Arson 19 vs 40ish both sides had same amount of r9s...

    Side note- its not what faction has the most r9s, its the amount of certain classes they have in r9s...
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Good thing I have other talents in the game :D

    what talents? :o
    Blacksmith,Tailor,Apothecary,Craftsman lvl 8? :O

  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ha, you guys seriously want to say that the gear gap is too wide now adays? Lets assess this.

    Back in the day we had:

    Epic level advantage from Hypers-Oracles. (better levels, better stats to put it elementary)

    Mold gear to fill up every level to 90s ( No farming capability back then & for the time it was expensive for the average player)

    Flawless-Immaculate Shards for days, some with better. ( Thats some hefty ingame money right there)

    Gold FC weapons, TT 90-100. (-Interval gear anyone?)

    Warsoul helms, interval & channelling capes, yada yada yada.

    Back if you had say 3.33 interval, 12k+ hp (19k barb), or a +7 weapon you were a beast.... no matter how bad you sucked.

    (This was Hidden Orchid/ West Arch top gears btw)

    Now fast forward to today: most of that stuff is absolutely obsolete. Seeing someone walk out in that gear would get a laughing 2-3 shot at best. From what I gather now its

    Rank 9 Rank 9 Rank 9, Second Cast Nirvana Rank 9 Rank 9 Rank 9

    Which in my eyes seems... easier. At least you absolutely KNOW what you're aiming for.

    Thats about it... Leveling is a joke (hello Power leveling runs in FC)

    Gear is dirty cheap, all you have to manage to get is enough to solo FC till 100 (or make some Seeker/Assassin friends quick)

    And then tada, you're right in the spot average player were against us back in the day...

    Now I know this concept is hard to grasp but Im going to try it again...because I have faith in people of this server: ITS THE EXACT SAME NOW AS IT WAS THEN.

    Back then, 100 dollars bought u a lot of tokens of luck and the occasional 10million.

    Now it can buy you R8, decent shards/ ok refines & a first class ticket to level 100...

    So again, Im sitting here scratching my head like... Whats the problem?
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    So again, Im sitting here scratching my head like... Whats the problem?

    Compering difference with old OP gear and average gear of the time vs R9 and R8 is amusing. Endgame R9 is absurd and while R8 is great gear, it`s simply out of different league with R9. Have JoSD sharding on R9 and You are more or less unkillable for R8s.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    r9 is not unkillable,if u know how to play your class...

    first off, both are r9, barb has zerk axes + r9 armour, gets zerk crit, psy misses glacial freeze **** 9 times in a row kkkkkkk, barb gets zerk crit in second arma, barb runs all around the map ( do that in vendetta, u ll get trolled all year, especially with a barb ) b:shocked so much skill involved right there, joke hard BR **** LOL
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just fyi, skill isnt mindless repeating the same procedure over and over again ( sorta like CurseD_ not hattin, but thats how it is lol ) Skill is somewhat best described as intuition to do the best thing at any scenario, thats prolly why none of you will ever be treated on terms with the "old school" people, b:chuckle Prolly why Elecmon is much better than most of us. I appreciate ur "talent" to merch for 2 years and get ur r9 gear, but thats about it, b:cute 1v1 vendetta anytime if ur a barb/ BM/ seeker or sin, i come on sin, anything else archer will do, pm me b:thanks
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Soochi says it`s R9 barb in that video, which I cant sadly confirm as for some reason it wont play for me due some glitch. And I spoke of R8s vs JoSD sharded R9s. Of course anything can be killed with enough of things going ones way but the difference between R8 & R9 JoSD makes the R9 more or less unkillable. Go and 1vs1 Cursed & kill him in R8 when he isnt holding stuff back for lolz. Oh I know "asking" one to do that is absurd, which demonstrates pretty well of how OP R9 is.

    Ps. Bout to rage at my isp, only DC`d twice while writing this post.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Barb has r9??? R u blind right? If u want to play 1v1 with me on vend, ok I will log on diz's sin. After a few months u play there, lets see how pro u areb:shocked
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Why did u not pick Bloodmystic? He has Josd too
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Barb has r9??? R u blind right? If u want to play 1v1 with me on vend, ok I will log on diz's sin. After a few months u play there, lets see how pro u areb:shocked

    I believe I said I couldn't see the video at all and so I had to trust on what Soochi said bout it. That should of been clear from my post. And the point of why I refered to cursed was cause he was the first refined josd r9 I could think of. Heck, beat Kat whom by her own words isn't much of pvper. That done w/o r9. We both agree it's absurd to pul off and so I question, why are you so determined to say r9 isn't ludicrously op.

    Ps. I tried installing vendetta for few days but every time I tried to access the site - it was down.

    Pps. Challenging somebody to 1vs1 with a sin, just downright funny.

    Ppps. I still have yet to question your skills as I've only advocated the point of how everything revolves around gear, not skill like some of the r9s claim.

    - kitty from freaking iPhone as his connection on comp died for good it seems.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I believe I said I couldn't see the video at all and so I had to trust on what Soochi said bout it. That should of been clear from my post. And the point of why I refered to cursed was cause he was the first refined josd r9 I could think of. Heck, beat Kat whom by her own words isn't much of pvper. That done w/o r9. We both agree it's absurd to pul off and so I question, why are you so determined to say r9 isn't ludicrously op..

    i never said r9 is not OP. all i said r9 is not unkillable. if u know how to play your facking class, u wont die easily. and why i picked Bloodmystic here, because he keep saying about his old school time, **** it. its over. If he dared to play me with his r9, instead of talking too much shet all over again, i wouldnt say anything.
    Gear info: pwcalc.com/ca03cfa26484422eb:victory


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