Vietnamese cat shop down !!! need a veterinarian , GGest pwning on pwi forum history, good luck getting a come back to that Daiper b:surrender If i were you, id just quit after that =/
lulululululul Troll Thats how u link
Mac_Ceht ~ Pedowiz b:cry
Nefarious ! b:thanks
hmm Zhadi apparently offended someone b:cold
Errrr and what ll pwi make outta this ? +100 popularity +0 $ ? not feasible i think b:surrender
Hi, S> DoDs 40m ea, i just like to see my name on every thread b:cute
Proc rage quit rescind after this happened between heavensblaze and him b:pleased b:thanksb:sad
We shud play ~ Bye.
Legit advise from Mexy the botter in heaven and hell rofl
Lolureadbro? :D b:byeb:thanks
trolololol, hi i r heavensblaze b:kissb:bye
Dear Pulse ~ I am so sorry BDoomed, hows ur arranged marriage coming up ? ^^ b:shutup
Well first off, we dont plan to conquer the map and feel happy about it, Thats geogaddi. A server reset wud be terrrible.....means a few weeks of only instance which is good nowadays.b:shutup
I heard Kattaniya has a lot of lawn on her, Intrested in a "job" brogaddi ? The salary is monthly refines on ranked gear ingame.
Geogaddi ~ Hi Icezicle. K, your turn. b:thanks
f u proski lol, pve ftw :<
awww ur hurting brogaddi's feelings aries :( b:sad
lol. Why do yall even respond to that failgaddi ? xDD just ignore him, one day, the old women he uses might grow brains. I really wonder what popegaddi does during maintence, he must be driven crazy, as for nemesis, just a bunch of cash shoppers who joined to do that pve **** in guild base, wait till they get bored of it…
Its ok, happens b:laugh
Wouldnt a lvl 80 HA veno with Nix be unfair ? O__O ive seen thou pwn armies solo b:shocked
Omg Yes Please.
Mango....i feel bad for u. U try real hard to be funny and all but it just doesnt work, i really dunno y, maybe u need to watch more comedy films or something to...u know be more funny,i can wait for one good joke from u, but i have the chill up my spine that my wait is in vain, so pls stay ur serious self and dont ever…
woot finally i can pull cata against a guild now ^__^ b:victoryb:kiss <3 QQme
kk(needs 10 charsminimum)>.>
- go go go b:bye
my name is too pro to be trolled at, :D gee tee eff oh nightrage b:chuckle