Sky_man - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I had the same issue. I just decided to download with the torrent instead and it's downloading fine now.
  • Does anyone know what level the quests will be with the expansion ?
  • Sweet ... thank you so much for all the info. I am not really worried about the 1.2 or so million to get the mount as I will be using the gold to buy it. I just wanted to make sure that it would not be "high maintenance" once I have it and it dies on me and I feel like I wasted my money. But by the sounds of it, it does…
  • Before I go out and purchase a mount. Is there anything I should know about the care of the mount? I am getting a feeling that I would need to feed it, if so does anyone know how much. I am thinking of getting myself the polar bear (only because my hometown when I was young has a polar bear for a mascot). If I do need to…
  • Yup that seems to have fixed it. He did remove it a few times before but it stayed. We then tried to remove it, click on APPLY then CONFIRM and then it went away about 2 minute later. Guess it might have taken a few to go throught the server. Thank you for all your help!!