Skaidred - Archosaur Arc User


  • I'm not sure if this is actually a bug but I doesn't seem likely that this skill is supposed to work this way given the way that all other bm skills work. 1: Skill does not generate Aggro 2: Skill does not activate Bloodpaint As you can see these two mobs are non-aggro: Upon using sword cyclone, one mob takes damage but…
  • Spoken like someone that's not lvl 100 yet. Well you have a right to play the way you want to but it's also true that, as other people have said, it's possible to run every high level instance except full Warsong (which nobody does anyway), FB99 Sucess mode runs (again which nobody does anyway) and MAYBE TT3-3 (Though…
  • lol blood, the reason I say you're self absorbed is I know for a fact I have talked to you before, I may even have been your Squad lead in TW. I got the impression of you as being arrogant, a mediocre wizard that thought he was awesome. I don't go around bragging to people all the time or spamming wc so I'm not that…
  • Hmm you really do have a nice case of selective reading. You really don't remember me? Quite self absorbed aren't you. And Miz good job completely missing the point of what I wrote. b:victory
  • Blood did you not read what I had just written? Aside from reading your direct response to my comment I haven't read anything you've written in... months. I have no idea if what you are saying is truth or not. You certainly believe it is. Although you must not remember me well to dare accuse me of hating the truth.
  • Why if it isn't the hate pedaler >.> Blood I just don't read anything you say these days. You aren't as important as you think. Neither is Elusive.
  • Sorry Man I actually quit the game over this. Why waste my time on people that just give up so easily, you know (Yes that's especially directed at you Mango)? And I apologize to all the people that are still fighting for Narla, but I just can't do it anymore and I'm not coming back.