SinMay - Archosaur Arc User


  • After a lot of thinking abt ur post, i believe there's only one solution to all ur problems and i'm sure the GMs will give ur issue a second thought, now here's the suggestion.. U can make 900 more QQ threads like this and the other one, if that doesnt get a GMs attention...i dunno what will b:puzzled
  • GMs are a fiction created by our chinese overlords to spread fear amongst us b:shocked I personally believe they ODed back in 1967 Anyway and on topic if u call for a GM and they actually respond (getting ur weapon +12 with 12 mirages and no dragon orbs has a higher chance) they will spawn near u with a GM icon next to…
  • I dunno if anybody else agrees with me but tbh i like the whole blue name pvp thingy but i hate hearing that a lowbie in my faction got pked 200 times :S Now heres my suggestion: pk in sp should have a lvl restriction like for example u can only pk toons 5 lvls lower than u or they should make a range just like the one in…
  • I have no idea why i even started reading this -_-" dude get a life...or a faction for that matter since im guessing u were booted off ur last 10 ones, yeah n trollololololololololololo P.s im not a **** lvl100 female BM -_-" i hate u pwi
  • OMG i knew it....stud n gadi sittin in a tree b:avoid P.s im not a lvl100 female BM -_-" i hate u pwi