Sheynea - Sanctuary Arc User


  • 5 inks is the minimum you have to use, even if you just want to put 1 or 2 letters, signs or whatever in. (PWI needs some minimum money) Maximum is if I remember right 17 spaces you can freely use for multiple words or also punctuation marks. And yeah if you put something, it'll always have the quote marks, that's a bit…
  • I can clear this up, you can easily remove a name from a crafted weapon by using 5 of the signature inks at the seamstress. You just have to leave the field for the text blank (not even a space) and click confirm, you even get a notice saying, that the gear will lose it's signature if continued. Taadaa, nothing there, no…
  • Well, if you don't have any cultivation quests in your log or find quest and haven't become Aware of Discord, then you're probably at the part of cultivation where you have to die. Yah right, you have to die, no joke, just run into a worldboss or so, easiest way.
  • In short the ones which cost 2mil coins/spirt each are: Headhunt, Power Dash, Subsea Strike, Tidal Protection, Inner Harmony and Shadow Teleport. The rest of the 99 Sage/Demonskills costs 1,5mil coins/spirit each.