Shadowreign - Harshlands Arc User


  • It is good.....very good actually. I have a friend who was on the Aion team as a quality tester. In fact, it's on pre-sale now and is scheduled to be released in the US in September.
  • Hmmmm.....butthurt much or something? Must have gotten repeatedly rolled by KD or something. b:chuckle
  • Looks like it has a constant case of flatulance and IMO, definately not worth 50 bucks.
  • News flash for you - You didn't get screwed. If you were dumb enough to go red (of any shade) without carrying dolls then you deserved to lose your flying short, you screwed yourself.
  • QFT. The Genie's have provided precisely what I expected them to, and I think they will make PvP that much more "interesting". Granted, the information as to how to get the most out of your Genie isn't written out for you to just "follow the steps", but that's part of the fun is being able to figure it out for yourself.…
  • You can tell how "lucky" your Genie will be from the color. Perhaps the following will help prior to you throwing SP into it to get it up to level 10. What do random stats mean to my genie? Genies gain titles every 10 level. Each title gain between 1-10 random stats points. This random helps determine the final stat and…
  • Oh please spare me Mr. high and mighty WR. b:shocked I guess that's why me and several other EAs I know pwn WRs with 2 or 3 shots. b:chuckle Do us all a favor, STFU & GTFO unless you have something intelligent and constructive to say n00b.
  • Ok, I have to ask you this JeffreyS. Do you always talk out your **** and get facts completely wrong? 1. Icon already told you to ask EoD leader as it never happened....other people on here (not in Kingdom) has told you that it didn't happen, yet you go merrily on making yourself look stupid by spouting sh*t that clearly…
  • Never said he wasn't free to do so, obviously he is given that he did it. Just stating the obvious in that it's pathetic that he gets his jollies by killing lowbies when he himself more or less refers to the fact that he doesn't have the gonads to do that to someone who can call in ppl his own level. That's part of the joy…
  • Yeah Wreck is arguably the best veno on the server. On a serious note though, until they fix flesh ream so that venos actually have to do something other than send nix and kite, I can't in good concience vote for anyone to be "best veno".
  • First, I'm not QQing about it, just making an observation. Simple fact remains that PKing someone so many levels below you is nothing but a slaughter and truth be told, quite pathetic. Now I can understand someone flying around and PKing whoever they happen to see without regard for level, but if you bother to read the OP,…
  • I understand that it's "suppossed to be" a PvP server but seriously, PKing random lowbies (sub 50 lvl)....what's the point? It's not like they have any chance of providing you with any type of serious opposition. That being the case, I must assume that you're doing it to stroke your ego at being able to 1 shot another…
  • Have to say that Icon is correct in this one. The PK battles were loads of fun but since the KOS got called off, I've managed to jump 3 levels in as many days without any zhenning. Granted, I still see a LS or Pend member and my instinct is to ninja but a good guild has members that follow it's leaders''s…
  • Don't know if they're going to enforce it or not but I remember on LC that the GMs would scroll a message that luring mobs into sz was a bannable offense and a couple of players did get the banhammer dropped on them for it.
  • Using Town Portal will take you to Silver Pool as heaven's tear isn't considered a town for the purposes of teleportation.
  • OK, have been staying out of this but at this point I have to jump in and say that you Lessie, rank right up there with Zoe when it comes to running off at the mouth over sh*t that you know absolutely nothing about. Do us all a favor and stick to something you how 10% of Pend is equal to 10% of crimson.…
  • Well, for those of you who mentioned that you want to go to a game that is by the same folks who brought you Guild Wars with thier lvl 20 cap, Aion is in open beta....feel free to go there and quit your QQ on these forums.
  • That's rather humorous Allure. Guess there must be 2 players named SnakeEater on this server because I killed a SnakeEater from LastStand not too long ago, yet you're saying that he isn't from LastStand.....something strange going on here.
  • Your post was fine....a little tough to read in some places but given that English isn't your first language, it was much better than I could ever hope to do in another language. Secondly, you're right about all the QQ when getting PKed. This is after all a PVP server. I have been killed and I have been the one doing the…
  • allykills, Look me up on the Harshlands server and we'll see what we can do about getting you your stuff back. I personally would put out a call for a contract on darkcreation's head were I you.....but then again, I would just "go hunting" for the little thief.
  • want to try this one more time in a language that's actually understandable? If not then please quit posting as it's making our heads hurt when we try to decipher wtf you're spewing.
  • Obviously I can't speak for everyone on the PVP servers, but alot of us have a sling or bow that we use when grinding and an xbow that we use for PVP. Now if we're grinding in an area that's known for PK patrols, we'll usually just go ahead and grind with the xbow.
  • I understand what Ligeia and Iffy were saying Wreck, and I would agree that in an even numbered fight, knowing your character's skills and weaknesses and your opponents as well as how to best exploit those weaknesses makes for the better PVP player. And in an evenly numbered battle, the size of the guilds isn't a factor.…
  • flash Iffy, I watched that first TW from EllisDee's house while he participated. GZ simply DID NOT have the mass numbers to put up that RQ did. Fail merges eh? Let's see, GZ was origionally comprised of members from 3 other guilds..some fail merge. I mean to this day they use the Panic vent. And let's…
  • Hi everyone b:bye And Loltank, your description of events was pretty much right least from my perspective.....I was there when KOS was ended and during and after TW.
  • Hmmm.....quite the enjoyable little thread you guys have going here. I've enjoyed reading it except when Lessie started going on about percentages....that made my head hurt trying to figure out that logic. The long and the short of it as I'm seeing it is that who has the better "skill" doesn't really matter that much in a…