well said..not a very good way to try and recruit new players to the game is it?I know if I was a new player coming to this game and found out that nothing that drops is worth anything and that gears are millions and millions of coins I would be gone
it's a not a matter of crying I think most people are frustrated that's all.
a lot of people in the game depended on them DQ items to help cover the cost of repairs teleporting etc..Why is there even any botting system available?? for the massive amounts of gold coins the mobs drop ? ROFLb:laugh
plus you have to pay what 400k for an opener? b:surrender
Hi Aubree b:cuteb:chuckle
it costs me 250k+ for repairs after 1 pv run, yeah DQ at 1 coin is awesomeb:sad
well said HellSlayer b:victory
pretty bad when people wonder if the PWE team even knows that there's an issue with the gameb:chuckle
and you wouldn't call this a mess up?? ok then
Come on Kossy if it's not one thing with this game it's another people put a lot of time and money into this game they should be compensated some how.b:cute. I'll throw the "C" word every where if I so please.
Hope there is some sort of compensation for all these **** ups. I know some games I play if server goes down or whatever all people are compensated.
and you are? I think there are a lot worse people you could give tellies to than me.I'm mild compared to some of the trolls on Dreamweaver.But hey Sel I'll take yer tellies bro b:thanks
If it's not a bug in the game it's the servers...there's always something b:surrender
Why didn't you leave the old DQ system alone..If it ain't broke don't fix it...just like core connect I think it was alot better then this arc **** b:surrender
wow post **** b:shocked
BlackList b:laugh
server is up b:thanks
Like not even an update wtf kinda business they running here b:angry
sounds good to me shabur b:cute hello btw b:bye
I know with other games I play people are rewarded for unexpected server messes can we has reward to pl0x b:thanks
SnuSnuFoYou b:laugh
why don't you make it so we can do something with the 100's of nirvana keys people have,or should we just npc them b:surrender
sorry didn't think so someone in game gave me the link his name was Dacoom
I agree b:chuckle
No Scoba QQ b:cry