What you did with all 500 perfect stones from Lv 40 stash? You can EASILY make 700K selling those stones. lol And yes, are u selling with right prices? Leather, Purified Oil, Compound Oil? Well, i spent money in game (10usd) and i got charms (to minimize my potions consume and survive against elite mobs) and to spend 10USD…
Wings for one reason ( i guess ) Cant Assassins became invisible while flying? if they can (didnt test it yet) how he could became invisible with a Pet or an object flying on it? Then you all will say: 'Why his beast became invisible too? Is it a glitch?' 'Why his Surf Board becames invisible too? he have special…
450K lowest price in Lost City.
Nobody can learn to combo/use skills in 1 day or a week. You learn it with the game by fighting Flying monsters, Water monsters, Magic monsters, Players, Meele/Magic monsters.. What makes you to become 'newbie' against another player its the Experience, the time play. Its like in real life, who get a better job and work…
Thanks for the picture! And yes, looks like my Lv 43 mold are better, due effects and Sockets.
Would be better 2x Spirit event instead of Exp lol.
Ouh, Sorry xD Anyway, we dont use Facebook neither lol from all my contacts on MSN (around 200), maybe 2 have a Facebook profile.
I've posted all Genie skills translated into my language in my forum (because many people in my country dont speak english, even me.. *bad english*) And i got 30K views on that thread in 20 days. 50K isnt too impossible, but most of all here havent mySpace, like me, because in my country we dont use this website. Edit: And…
I heard something like this before.. a low lv Barb tanking and saying: dont aggro. And a wizard casting Ultimate spells, guess what happened lol And after all he (wizard) said: Noobs on squad chat.
Probably not, due we have 'Weapon Token' quest each 10 lvs.
Viriddis doesnt give us TB weapons. =/ Morty, i'm talking about Lv 50 Stash, not Lv 20. All i want its to see a screenshot of it.
If someone opened it, please, post a screenshot.
LOL 'Tetudim' HAHAHAHAHA 15k with psychic? And for all those didnt know, Orkut its like mySpace but with much more members.
Thank you. I had to wait for a while til everyone kills and leave and then complet my quest. And even when i first hit and fight, another player KSed. Edit: What weird Quote.. i quoted the last msg from 2 page. xx
Its basicly to say that its allowed, so, this rule is totaly useless (my point of view).
Didnt know had to send tickets for this kinda of purpose. Then, if you are saying 'i have another PC and i can log in another acc' How we will know if you are not using Multiclienting? Or VMware? [ VMware is not allowed?] Its all the same, no matter if you have a CyberCafe and log into all PCs, its all ONE person for those…