Silver Sparkly Horses FTW!! :OD
I'd love to do RB Alpha if for nothing more than the squad building experience. Give me a shout sometime when you're online. 2x is coming on soon. b:victory
Banned for having a sexxeh chara and for making us all feel tingly with it. b:dirty
Overall, I find it makes my gameplay more enjoyable when I help others, whether I'm on my cleric, my barb, or my archer. If I am in an area and am not doing heavy grinding/meeting a deadline, I will help someone if I see them ask for it on local chat most times. I am glad to hear that there are indeed others out there who…
I bet Chuck Norris uses right hand axe, left hand sword, foot axes and, of course, that hidden fist where his chin should be....XOD
Hmmm, stupidest thing I've done... Drawing aggro from an AoE boss ranks up there... 'Lending' someone 100K(yup, I've done that, twice. The second person has actually repaid that by their actions repeatedly, and then some.) Ummm, I like to attack WB's just for the fun of seeing how quickly they can kill me off...
I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of ages on this game. I once took a survey of the Faction I'm in, TrueMyths, and it seems like everyone there was 20 and under. Nothing wrong with that, but it's nice to know that there are a lot more people in game that are my age and older. I am a caregiver for…