Roov - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • It's not so much the financially well off that dump money into games like this. Usually, they're well off because they don't go blowing their money. Even if they do, it's their right to spend on what they wish. More often than not it's kids spending money they didn't really earn. They didn't earn it, so it holds no real…
  • Well if we were on a bit more to be of some help I'd suggest ours, but we're kind of on a break, not on much at all for awhile since we've decided to stay out of TW factions a month ago. I know, no help there but I also wanted to suggest Loyalty. I've never been in it myself so can't tell you how everyone is, but I do know…
  • In no way was I saying the OP was the one scamming as I READ his post and know the story was about his friend. I was saying that perhaps his FRIEND was running a scam on him. Reading comprehension Red, I know they must teach something similar to this still. Edited to capatolize words so skim readers will less likely…
  • The one thing in the OP that seems to have been overlooked is that, after being scammed the first time his friend submitted a ticket. To which the reply was they found no records of the shop ever existing. Now barring human error when those records were searched, would mean that it is his friend that is running the scam.…
  • You don't just run into a grocery store, see an "on sale" sign and just grab anything from that general area. No, you make sure it's the item that's on sale. I'm not condoning scamming in any way, shape, or form. Just that we all know from life that opportunists will present themselves...wait for it...when there's an…
  • Finally someone else sees what this all could, emphasis on could, mean. Maybe end game gear is being given away because it will no longer be end game gear. Maybe with future content finding a few with this gear for your squad will allow those willing to farm the mats able to do so. Everyone's saying how hard Lunar is, so…
  • I got mostly regular tokens but traded them in for a couple of skill books and a bunch of flawless shards. Flawless shards for 1 gold and I got to combine into shards I would've had trouble making anyway due to work schedules?....yeah I'm cool with that. Win for me even with the "low" tokens. Plus....Burning Hell Hound.…
  • It may not be considered a nice thing to do, but it is part of the game. Saying it's wrong is your point of view in accordance to your code of conduct. Just because you feel it's wrong doesn't mean the next guy thinks it is. This is saying your way is the right way and frankly that sounds to much like religion for me to…
  • I can not get the character list to load either. Worked fine this afternoon, but just tried to get in game, crashed, then when I tried to re-log no list.
  • Don't mind me just testing something.
  • " Sorry, I was looking in the cash shop" "Ok, did everyone bring enough health pots?" Edit: on a side note, WTH is up with my avatar? Funniest looking wolf I've ever seen.