(Laben here) As you stated, I did see tons of venos so I made a little cleric to try out. I will try to find one of your people ingame although I do think I am going to try an offspec (mostly MAG) cleric. But would still like some company and guidance along the way.
I figured it out! I use SnoopFree Privacy Shield wich I highly reccomend to others. It blocked the keyboard hook the game uses (wich it was supposed to do). I allowed the hook (wich does make me nervous) and all works as it should.
Thanks for all the responces. I'll update If I happen across anything.
Yes, I've played WoW and DAoC for years, they work fine in all other games so far.
both are PS/2
I only have the 2 keyboards, I did however just try my son's keyboard on mine again with the same effect.
Just did that and ran game in "optimised" mode. wow that looks horrible and it had no effect on the movement keys. Thank you for the quick responces, I'm willing to try as many as you can throw at me.
I am playing in windowed mode currently, I have also tried swapping the keyboards out with each other to no avail. I did spend all day reading through the forums and trying what others who had the same probs suggested. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I'm at a loss so far. I can still play the game with the…
Yes, the keyboard for my sons computer just has a serial number sticker on the bottom. It is just a basic keyboard that came with his systemax computer. It actualy says Standard Keyboard engraved above that serial number. MIne is a Microsoft Internet Keyboard model RT9410 V:56TWR
Got the model number for 1, the other didnt even list one. I sent the entire logs as I wasn't sure if you needed the whole thing or not. Was just posting here in case someone else had the same prob and had found the answer. Wasn't meaning to ask the same person twice, I appologise for that.
I was having that same problem and it turned out to be an issue with runnind a dual or quad core. I searched the forums for similur probs and found out how to adjust the setting to work with a dual core and it has been great since.