Redmoondemon - Raging Tide Arc User


  • i find mystics realy op 1 on 1 but i cant show u a vid but a summon od the devil lvl 10 feed it mana use its stun hit with a skill next ull use thicket sence this is another stun skill hit some more run just nuff 2 ur enemy and occolt ice and keep this up usly dont last that long cuz ither ur on the verge of death or there…
  • this vital herb does last 30 secs as long as the cool down is also nother little hint u can have healing herb at same time as vital herb doubling the healing it does very usefull in tight spots
  • ok so ill help u out with cragglord this big guy here does alot but for pvp i wouldnt use mainly use him on main bosses like the ones in tt and fc cuz cragg does full dmg to them also if ur looking for realy quick kill and can live in pvp then u can use him at my lvl 82 if i can live i can kill r8 sins with him dealing…
  • ur summon lvls as u lvl its skills lvl as u lvl ur pet skill so lvl 1 pet meens lvl 1 skills lvl 5 skill makes it skills lvl 5 and so on till u lvl ur pet skill 2 10 so only thing need to worry about is lvling ur skill and urself :)
  • mystics dont cap there mag they cap there str at 55 thats endgame str for all mag classes of pure build then if u want u can put some in vit if not all goes into mag and should have @ 400 mag 55 str @ lvl 100
  • i was looking at this post and there is one u kinda missed and its a summon skill plant at that fact vital herb its close to a BB not maken up for the less dmg taken but making up for that is the hp regen with its heal. as for vital herb u can stack with healing herb and thats a HoT(heal over time)and this can be put with…