Vital Herb

Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands
Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Mystic
I've been experimenting with vital herb in order to find out exactly how it works. I stand next to the zoologist and kill her pets, then I let my mystic heal me with vital herb.
She is lvl 73, and her vital herb is lvl 6.

Note: I generally tried to ignore the hp regen given by Vital Herb, instead focusing only on its heals.

As far as I can see, vital herb seems to work like Iron Heart. Vital Herb heals once every 3 seconds, not every second like it says in the description. The first tick usually heals about 300-500 hp, the second heals about 600-800, the third heals about 900-1200. After that, it heals somewhere between 900-1500 hp on each tick. While vital herb is out, I keep killing the Zoologist's pets to keep my hp low (so that I can be healed).
I used a stop watch to time how long Vital Herb was out, because at the end of Vital Herb's healing spree, it fades out of existence slowly making it difficult to pinpoint exactly when it stops healing. I noticed that Vital Herb spends about 3 seconds completely frozen (not healing) after it comes out. After those 3 seconds, it starts moving. 3 seconds after it starts moving, the first heal hits my character. I started my stop watch when Vital Herb started moving.
I noticed that after vital herb's 20 seconds of active time, I continue to get healed. The heals continue for a total of 13 heals from the time that Vital Herb starts healing. 7 of those heals happen after Vital Herb's 20 active seconds.

Keep in mind that Vital herb also stays in existence for a little while after the end of the 20 second window (measured by my stop watch). I am assuming that it just takes time to disappear and that it is not actually doing any healing at that point. However, It is possible that it actually keeps casting its heal spell for longer than 20 seconds. The last 3-4 heals happen after Vital Herb has completely gone away though.

So I think it just casts a sort of AOE Iron Heart.

Other Conclusions:

1. Vital Herb's heals can be constantly active. Vital Herb spends 3 seconds frozen before it starts healing, then it spends 20 seconds healing, then those heals continue for 19 seconds afterward. That adds up to 42 seconds, 7 seconds after the end of Vital Herb's 35 second cooldown. That is enough time to cast it again and continue healing.

2. Vital Herb's healing is slow at the beginning, because the "iron heart" has to stack before it reaches full healing ability.

3. Casting Vital Herb without a weapon does not seem to have any noticeable affect on its healing, so the strength of the healing most likely does not depend on the caster's magic attack. It may be a constant amount of healing determined only by the skill's level.

4. Vital Herb is awesome.

Edit: 5. Multiple Vital Herbs do stack. So far, I have only tested with 2 Vital Herbs, but I think more would still stack.

Edit2: 6. Vital Herb can be used with other plants. I often use it with Befuddling Creeper in BH 59. I could have sworn that Healing Herb used to be the one that could be used with other plants.
Post edited by Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands on


  • Rubblemancer - Sanctuary
    Rubblemancer - Sanctuary Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    4. Vital Herb is awesome.

    b:flower power ftw
    Thanks to Silvy for the awesome sig!
  • Regiles - Dreamweaver
    Regiles - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Thank you Yuji for sharing your great experimental results. This is really interesting information. I have wanted to measure Vital Herbs healing abilities by myself for some time but couldn't find a good setting to test it yet. If those things you discovered are true Vital Herb might be even better then i thought it was. I'll definitely try to confirm your points for my Vital Herb lvl3 as soon as possible. Keep up the good work.

    By the way, does anybody have reliable information on weather or not heals from more then one Vital Herb stack?
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Mystics own o.o

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands
    Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Thank you Yuji for sharing your great experimental results. This is really interesting information. I have wanted to measure Vital Herbs healing abilities by myself for some time but couldn't find a good setting to test it yet. If those things you discovered are true Vital Herb might be even better then i thought it was. I'll definitely try to confirm your points for my Vital Herb lvl3 as soon as possible. Keep up the good work.

    By the way, does anybody have reliable information on weather or not heals from more then one Vital Herb stack?

    You are very welcome. Please do experiment for yourself. Honestly, I didn't get to run as many tests as I wanted. It was late and I got tired. If you have a target to heal, then the Zoologist's pet farm is a great place to test. Every time you kill a pet, she hits you for about 95% of your hp, so it is easy to stay low hp so that you can see the healing.

    Edit: I think I'll see if I can get my friend to help me test whether or not the healing from multiple Vital Herbs stacks.

    Edit2: I tested it. My friend's Vital herb is lvl 7. Alone, it heals about 1000-1800 hp on each heal. When both she and my mystic used Vital Herb, I was consistently receiving heals in the mid to high 2xxx, if not 3xxx. It was a little difficult to accurately measure the healing because my measly archer hp kept getting completely healed, and I didn't want to keep her there to do countless tests. My main purpose was to confirm whether or not the two Vital Herbs' healing would stack. The answer is that they most definitely do stack.
  • Regiles - Dreamweaver
    Regiles - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It even stacks, nice!
    I have run some tests myself yesterday and can absolutely confirm the things Yuji said before. I had two mobs attacking me, cast Vital Herb and took the times with my mobil phone's stopwatch using split times.

    And for those that are interested, here are my resultts (VH lvl.3).

    0s: hitting Vital Herb skill button
    2s: VH cast finished
    5s: VH starts moving, healing icon appears (1s channal + 1s cast + 3s idle =5s)
    8s: 1st Heal for ca. 300HP
    11s: 2nd Heal for ca. 500HP
    14s: 3rd Heal for ca. 700HP
    17s: Heal for more then 500HP (was completely healed there, taking ca. 500dmg/3s, which was healed on next tick)
    20s: ""
    23s: ""
    26s: Heal for more then 500HP, VH and healing Icon disappear
    29,32,35,38,41,44s: 6 more Heals for more then 500HP each

    So that means first heal starts 6 seconds after cast. VH does 7 heals while healing icon is there, and 6 more after that for 13 heals total. After the first 2 heals i'd guess that all heals are for about 700HP.

    Notice: If you cast the next VH directly when the cooldown is done at around 37s you can get that one's first heal at 45s (maybe even 44s). Therefore, like Yuji already stated in his first post, you can constantly get heals from VH.

    If i find some time later today I'll try to get some more accurate numbers for the amount of HP healed on later ticks with the Mrs. Zoologist trick.

    And yes, Vital Herb is pretty awesome.
  • webdesign
    webdesign Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    this is very nice forum

  • Redmoondemon - Raging Tide
    Redmoondemon - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    this vital herb does last 30 secs as long as the cool down is also nother little hint u can have healing herb at same time as vital herb doubling the healing it does very usefull in tight spots
  • Clearweather - Sanctuary
    Clearweather - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    this vital herb does last 30 secs as long as the cool down is also nother little hint u can have healing herb at same time as vital herb doubling the healing it does very usefull in tight spots

    yeah i always use both herbs, its nice heals and nice support for cleric (if there is one in squad).
    for example > fcc @ bubble boss. when herbs are up, his bubble isnt even a charm tick.
    unless boss goes rambo and sleeps/bubbles the herbs.
    vital most of the times b:surrender
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    this vital herb does last 30 secs as long as the cool down is also nother little hint u can have healing herb at same time as vital herb doubling the healing it does very usefull in tight spots

    Combining healing herb with vital herb does not double the healing because hh doesn't compare at all to vh. I'd much rather use a debuff plant than use healing herb for almost all situations. In FC, vital alone is usually enough (depending on the boss for example, herbs aren't so useful on slasher except for lysing debuff ones) healing to let me DD while having a debuff plant out as well.