RaijinRyu - Lost City Arc User


  • Dude calm down i was asking a simple question. Did u read anything in my post that indicated I was begging? I was stating an opinion I didn't say "GM can we please transfer our mounts". Second of all what makes you think they would let you transfer unlimited mounts? I was talking about one mount, and I am planning to go to…
  • Well first of all I only used youth as an "example" I'm sorry if that offended you in any way and yes I do know a lot more ppl than 12 year olds spend money on this game. Second of all I'm not QQing like you call it and I am not jealous because I don't plan on getting the mount. Third of all I was simply explaining a…
  • If we followed your advice the whole server would be venomancer which would make the game stupid and boring. A game is considered good when there is diversity and many different things to do as well as "fairness". The point here is: "So what if bramble got nerfed" venos still have their phoenix which is what people…
  • Quick Question. I know any kind of char transfer is out of the question and i agree with that but what about MOUNTS? Could it be possible to transfer your mount to new server? I don't think mounts would give you any advantage over people other than running faster and also I think you wouldn't be able to use it until lvl 20…
  • Even if it was nerfed for pvp it still works for tw and for everything else so you are just complaining that you won't have yet another advantage over other players when it comes to pking. Lets not forget that you can still run around while your phoenixes are destroying the barb or the bm chasing you and besides most of…
  • I don't think the reason the price is high is because the mount is for a limited time and they wanted to be rare. It's more like they put the price high because they know a lot of 12 year olds will get their parents to pay those 50 bucks since the mount will only be available for a week. It's a great business strategy, put…
  • Just wanted to quote on the whole physical def disadvantage your talking about. I think bramble should fix your physical def problem when it comes to pvp. Besides venos run throughout the whole fight (not saying there's anything wrong with that) so if you are a barb you have 2 aimlessly chase the veno around while her…
  • I love the idea of a new server. True i have worked a lot on this character but I've always wished I could have done things differently and a new server gives me the chance to do just that. As for character transfers I don't agree and it won't happen since GM already said so. I would like if we could transfer certain items…