People are doing that on HT too. No clue what da heck is going on haha
Cool video! I feel the fight would have been more intense if the sin had his primal skills, but it was still pretty awesome.
I use an i7 on my laptop and it doesn't overheat, but it does get hot while playing pwi. more so than most games :/ pwi update yo stuff so i can run cool >:|
I spy AshenSkies.
wow pwi doesnt use the gpu? no wonder my cpu runs a little hot while playing and my gpu is cold >.< that is stupid design.
Jesus. Stick to the game.
That was fantastic SweetieBot. Nice response! The lag issue was insane on HT according to my faction mates. I was not online; however, every faction experienced extreme dc issues where they could not log back in for over an hour during TW. One faction that was defending several attacks did not apparently face such severe…
Lol National Day Was Amazing!!!!!!
This post made me laugh xD
:O a GM actually showed up? Q_Q finals week making me miss it :'(
Exactly! We Cant Get The Award We Were Supposed To Be Able To Earn >:|
We have had it several times this week on HT
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is just undergeared and too lazy to farm the better gear. If you don't let people use the gear they worked hard for, what is the point to working hard in the game? You are supposed to try to work and achieve the best gear, yet your idea is contrary to this. You would change the goal to…
You dont seem to realize how insanely strong endgame archers are. They dominate almost all other endgame classes in pvp at least on my server. I know a +10 r9s3 archer with basic garnet shards in armor and they wreck a lot of endgame players because of their insanely high base physical attack and kiting. The half damage…
My budget is very low for now. I of course have extreme goals like you mentioned Demodude but those are far off. I'm just curious whether for the low cost of switching, garnets would be worth it.
You rock!
Tidal Protection <3
Guys, this entire post was about PURIFY SPELL vs GOF, NOT PURGE. You all went on a rant about nothing related to the initial question. Maybe you should read before starting a long series of unrelated responses.
No matter whether you are endgame or not, sage is much better. When I hit a mob, I would much rather get a 7.5k heal than a 5k heal from bp. You cannot say that 1% doesn't matter, when it can make such huge differences.
This is one of the stupidest threads I have read. Wizards are one of the most powerful classes in PvP and you want more power. Never going to happen and never should. Wizards can kill any endgame class without too much effort. Genie spark is amazing and so is undine. You hit like trucks, have stone barrier so you are…
Why cant someone just close this. This is not constructive at all. It is just QQ.
It isnt that insane.... Don't over exaggerate
Sounds awesome!
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1. Of course. 2. Maybe something small. Another 10* handout would make no sense after the trouble it caused last time. 3. Well obviously. It can be safely assumed they are working on it currently. 4. Probably not.
Try verifying your game files. Could be a corrupt file somewhere.
Haha I am not even on this server and I know that all of that is completely accurate.
Go for weapon first, puri proc is epic. Then go armor. Then go ring. ring should always be last and there is only stage 2 of the ring. I have had full r9s3 for a long time and just got my ring two days ago. It is one of the last things as well as the cape, tome and neckie at the NW forges.
Well at least in my opinion, if you spend more time on the defensive than the offensive, you should go JoSD. The extra tankiness will allow you to play more aggressively without increasing your risk of death. So you would increase your damage dealt by going JoSD in theory, because you would have more opportunities to…
r9s3 AA