I suppose I better have my say in all this, firstly; b:victory Next comes this whole fake bidding and what came of it. Given Narla/ Nemesis past they have no right what so ever to even argue on this matter. As Blood pointed out before Narla used alts guilds to overbid to avoid…
Proski: ok guys im quitting for good its been a long time coming what did i miss?
To clear this matter up I was the one who said w would be waiting. I said we would wait 15 mins before we took the crystal, but held waiting for another 5 mins when I heard immunity was about to fail. After a lot of people told me nemesis was just playing with immunity, only pushing with 2 catapults and killing people not…
i dont get it, and actually its then you become ninja
ArchCaoCao: me open packs for fun
b:avoid ninja bump.
I really wonder why this has turned into such a talking point, reading most of the posts in this thread it makes me laugh, the first thing is people calling this a elusive remake. The idea of making a new guild came from me, Proski was still decided on going to a new server before I told him about it, this isn't some kind…
havent you asked kaiser for leader of Narla back? b:surrender and your having ago at us for trying to have alittle fun with the tw map?, say we never put this faction together then what, we spend 2 weeks taking a PvE land before nemesis end up taking it. sounds like fun right? and the other reason alot of people who put…
The only qualifications you need to be a PWE Moderator is D+ in maths and a mouse to activate sales b:surrender
uuuuuum... yea. gaaay b:surrender
if your not listed on arch forums as the best something your looked down apon by everyone b:sad
we dont get these from the China version by force, PWI has the choice of implementing these updates here, they just use the excuse that PW-CN did it so they do it to hide the fact its all power play for sales. On topic GM's have said before cross server anything isnt possible, alot of people were expecting server merges…
both times when you slow-mo'd to aoe nova in the video you didnt actually kill anyone b:surrender
Most useless Arch poster: BLOODMYSTIC Favorite Arch forum troll: BLOODMYSTIC Best non-Arch based poster that regularly posts in the Arch forums anyways: Anyone from Raging Tides That poster that should post more: BLOODMYSTIC Best Arch thread: Best of thread? we have lots! :D Best faction name: Bunnys Most positively…
a small bump for justice and a reminder for frankie, not gonna let this one slip away like the core connect zen sale prize that was never awarded. b:surrender
Yea its proberly on there to do list b:surrender
has anyone been able to translate the earthguard seeker skills or found any more? ive been playing on the PW-CN but i cant work out there descriptions, and there nowere to be found on the intermernets b:surrender
There not coming out with the new expansion, a new set of temporary gems are that have a new type of manufactoring skill to learn. These gems have never been launched in PWI and they cant be crafted up using anything currently.
why would you post a Phoenix-only event on the PWI forums, surely your members will see it on your own forums instead of having to post it on the game ones... unless its a uncanny attempt to recruit b:shocked
You have twice as many votes as the 2nd place option, me thinks you have been creating alts and voting for yourself to win! xD
First Dragon Temple on archosaur Pro FC Squad My FC god herc Bites of Doom WoGuy wondering why my…
what i find most funny is pwe spits in the faces of there customers, with constant 0.45$ pack sales, huge rep and gear sales **** over there big cashshoppers and then when they do something thats remotely free and fun, even though its been the same event for months now, there way over an hour late and i think its on…
reconsider your post! b:surrender
b:surrender not a cser, only got 3 pet slots, 1 extension on my bank and min iventory space, im still missing couple teles on the map xD
i noticed noones posted a indetail map of the new expansion area so i put this together whilst on my seeker its from the very edge of the west map down by cram village and all the way across to public quest islands