Ty Nem



  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I could be wrong, but I only saw that come up in faction chat after we had finished our TW with nem. Your decision to stop waiting was based on assumption anyways, I don't think anyone actually told you we were going to no show you. That is, no one from Immunity, which is where I hope you were getting your info from.

    Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I didn't see anyone even suggest that we were planning to no show you. A lot of people were surprised when system chat announced that rescind had taken our land, as we were all planning on going there after Nem.

    Well I honestly have no idea who said it or where he/she heard it. But I remember clearly being told Immunity is not gonna give us TWs, before we took the catas anywhere near your base. Sure, we were in your base, maybe 15ppl together, auto-attackin crystal, setting up catshops, towerdiving, etc. Doing anything to keep us occupied till you`d show up.

    To argue we should have waited when we were told we`d get no shown, well, that`s just stupid. To us the "deal" was already broken and the waiting became pointless, though I do think we never promised to wait till the TW ends, just vague expression of waiting some time. We could wait till your TW end see "deal" get broken or get over with it and go to sleep.
    Then props to you, all I heard on my end was an hour, but I'm not going to argue either way, since I have no way of knowing unless proc and rion both confirm.

    I actually heard from that, it just was done under no authority to represent Rescind.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    As much as I wanted to avoid talking more, stupid ppl will remaid stupid. They only know QQing and will not stop.

    First they said they are gonna wait for 1 hour (not hear say - I WAS TOLD THIS - by your
    executor/founder, specifically by PMing and informing EXECUTORS about it).

    Then what? Rescind rolls the crystal in 20 minutes. And when we ask why? They say Rion was informed about the decision an hour before TW (again comes from the same Rescind Exec).

    So what am i taking here? The decision was made without considering anything else.

    And Dont gimme bs about Rion's comments again n again. What he meant was - only till Nem TW. Nobody is gonna let a leader watch other factions take lands w/o a fight.. You're an idiot to believe that, and this is the proof of it.

    And before calling me idiot again, think twice, and have some decency (but wait, I don't expect that from you). So keep QQing more. You cant do much else.
  • Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    forum007 wrote: »
    As much as I wanted to avoid talking more, stupid ppl will remaid stupid. They only know QQing and will not stop.

    First they said they are gonna wait for 1 hour (not hear say - I WAS TOLD THIS - by your
    executor/founder, specifically by PMing and informing EXECUTORS about it).

    Then what? Rescind rolls the crystal in 20 minutes. And when we ask why? They say Rion was informed about the decision an hour before TW (again comes from the same Rescind Exec).

    So what am i taking here? The decision was made without considering anything else.

    And Dont gimme bs about Rion's comments again n again. What he meant was - only till Nem TW. Nobody is gonna let a leader watch other factions take lands w/o a fight.. You're an idiot to believe that, and this is the proof of it.

    And before calling me idiot again, think twice, and have some decency (but wait, I don't expect that from you). So keep QQing more. You cant do much else.

    2 things... one why not show ur name and who u are and two why not say who this mysterious rescind exec is??? because right now it sounds like a load of **** to me mmkthnxbye b:bye
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Nothing mysterious.

    I already mentioned in my first post that I'm TurnerSin.

    And the Rescind Executor that informed me about the said decisions is Kaiser (LostTrust).

    Jst to mention here, after our Nem TW finished, I was about to prepare for Rescind war when I checked the map, and realised it was already over (taken by Rescind). Nobody was expecting Rescind to finish in 20 mins (look at the TW video again and you can see the surprise reaction from some members).
  • Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    forum007 wrote: »
    Nothing mysterious.

    I already mentioned in my first post that I'm TurnerSin.

    And the Rescind Executor that informed me about the said decisions is Kaiser (LostTrust).

    Jst to mention here, after our Nem TW finished, I was about to prepare for Rescind war when I checked the map, and realised it was already over (taken by Rescind). Nobody was expecting Rescind to finish in 20 mins (look at the TW video again and you can see the surprise reaction from some members).

    ill wait to kaiser responds before a say anything :D
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ummm as i recall we said we would wait 15 minutes and guess what we waited... 15 minutes....

    Just wanted to say on this.

    Zaibeast came into our vent, BEFORE TW started....

    He asked Rion about the tw, since I help Rion make squads for tw I told Zai on vent. We are going full force vs Nem...when we are done if you have waited, we WILL come to your tw...

    A few people told us an hour is what you would wait...never 15 minutes
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ill wait to kaiser responds before a say anything :D

    I remember the situation myself so I respond what I know of it.

    Kaiser or losttrust, whatever you wanna call him, was acting on his own, not something "decided" to my knowledge. Dunno what his aim was, to try to make it happen? The 1h wait I mean. I honestly cant remember but imo Proc never said anything bout how long he was gonna wait, my vague memory says he was against the 1h wait in the first place, even before we heard bout "not going to show against us". But the Kaiser`s talk bout 1h wait was idle talk as far as I know, he may clarify it more if he wants to. But it was never promised to wait 1h for immunity to finish TW against nemesis, that part came kinda clear to me when I followed the discussion bout the matter.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    To clear this matter up I was the one who said w would be waiting. I said we would wait 15 mins before we took the crystal, but held waiting for another 5 mins when I heard immunity was about to fail.

    After a lot of people told me nemesis was just playing with immunity, only pushing with 2 catapults and killing people not taking the HQ. I don't know if this was for some fun or to deprive Rescind of a TW but I wasn't going to wait around after nemesis.

    No one except me chose how long we would of waited for immunity to lose or realise it was pointless even trying to defend nemesis, only people were telling me how that TW was going so stop blaming it on people like Kaiser.

    This was becouse Im the boss...
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alright no more being nice to you worthless sausage jockeys

    1) nobody is worthy to be compared to elusive. and if one is, its a compliment.
    2) immunity sucks dlck at this game
    3) narla sucked dlck at this game
    4) nemesis as homage to narla actively sucks dlck in their name on this game

    toodles ; D
  • Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alright no more being nice to you worthless sausage jockeys

    1) nobody is worthy to be compared to elusive. and if one is, its a compliment.
    2) immunity sucks dlck at this game
    3) narla sucked dlck at this game
    4) nemesis as homage to narla actively sucks dlck in their name on this game

    toodles ; D

    +1 QQ u shall be missed b:cry

    p.s u best keep in touch mister, and remember 7 30 is our daily phone sex time b:kiss
  • Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alright no more being nice to you worthless sausage jockeys

    1) nobody is worthy to be compared to elusive. and if one is, its a compliment.
    2) immunity sucks dlck at this game
    3) narla sucked dlck at this game
    4) nemesis as homage to narla actively sucks dlck in their name on this game

    toodles ; D

    See you in a few days Proski b:byeb:kiss
    Winning b:pleased
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alright no more being nice to you worthless sausage jockeys

    1) nobody is worthy to be compared to elusive. and if one is, its a compliment.
    2) immunity sucks dlck at this game
    3) narla sucked dlck at this game
    4) nemesis as homage to narla actively sucks dlck in their name on this game

    toodles ; D

    See you in a few days Pro b:chuckle
  • Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    well, i had been done with the game for a while.
    hadnt logged on in over a month and i just logged on to give the last of my shiit away to whoever i deemed worthy.

    im gone from the forums now as well, though ^^

    Later, bros.
  • Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    well, i had been done with the game for a while.
    hadnt logged on in over a month and i just logged on to give the last of my shiit away to whoever i deemed worthy.

    im gone from the forums now as well, though ^^

    Later, bros.

  • Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    forum007 wrote: »
    Nobody is gonna let a leader watch other factions take lands w/o a fight.. You're an idiot to believe that, and this is the proof of it.

    It's happened many many times-you just havent been around to have seen it. Never the most popular choice but definately it's happened before. Narla no showing Nem? I think I've said this before somwhere....

    ANYWAYS since my post got drowned in mentally hadicapped drama over apoth in the last thread I will re-post my ENTIRE thing here (since now this one someonehow because the topic for it (?) This was posted at about 3:04 PM server time so it doesnt reflect the current postings from this thread in it.

    ---REPOST---- (since theres a very high chance the orriginal thread will get deleated)

    Back from class in a good mood and a slightly clear mind. I'll try to make this make as much sense as possible


    FACT-People still rehash old drama

    Case Study 1- Proc's Ascii rage's from HL as an attack on him being leader of Rescind. People when they move servers can change and alot of people have faith in Proc and what he does. For all accounts and what Ive seen back when he was accepted into Narla under Mango near the end of the Mango era and up until now, all the BS about his attitude I've found to be just that-BS. Now whetehr he "ascii rages" or not is entirely in the air but how is that anyone's concern for thos eon the outside? He's not Ex Elusive yet youre still grabbing for something? You people are a bit desperate.

    Of course since Proski's not lead you can't call out Elusive Act 3, so what more damning can you get than draging up the leader's past from another server?

    Case Study 2- Twice rejection of Nem app. I didnt really have any inclination to bring this particular point up as it can easily turn into a "you're just QQIng cause of someone who doesnt like you that has CS power and you're blaming them for not getting in" business. But just to lay this out there-after I had left Zulusive when it was falling appart, Nem took in Met in a heart beat, took in Lillith (whom ran a rather important role in Zulusive/Elusive cough cough) and even when my friends had requested me constantly to app I hadn't until that time. My first app was swiftly shot down-why? Because of people assuming Kaiser was going to follow me. I cleared that up w/ Mango and re-submitted a much more detailed app (which I will not cite here as I have a version saved on my comp unless peopel ask to see it). While I was in the process of asking whether I should try again under the new angle of "Kaiser will not follow/not to drag up the old past w/ Narla" I was told the GAMMIT of interesting rumors-that people didnt like me because they were blaming ME for the downfall of Narla, that I caused drama, that certain ppl were wondeirng what happened to 2 months worth of Mirages + 50 mil etc. etc. SS can be provided upon request.

    ((TBH I woudl have rather been rejected for- "oh you were in Zulusive for a week so we can't trust you" than this long winded "ohhh its because of yor past and it's because of crowd control this and that" ))

    So erm who's rehashing what old drama now? The cycle of karma-why are you all surprised that people are STILL calling out old stuff? Becuase this is how people base their judgements-on rumors and details of the past, rather than based upon who the person is, what they contribute etc. Now, not that ANY faction/person should not be selective of who they do or don't let in/associate with, but I'm not as "infamous" as some of the server's most notorious. >.<

    Case Study 3: Rion's immedite reaction to Rescind's forming and subsiquent comments after. I happened to be in Immunity at the time Rescind was formed. Right away Rion was scrambling to try and get ahold of Fluffy and BOOLD wanting to "talk with them as it was very important". Of course he didnt want to loose them to Rescind, whom in his eyes was Elusive v3. Not that I can particularily blame him as immediately some ex Elusive flocked there but what he failed to realize is that Rescind's goals were not grounded upon TW only. Yes just as the whole "Mango stepping out of Rob's Narla" buisness was brought up so was this notion of "making a faction that WILL aim to take the map as opposed to constantly camping top faction TW every week." So this encompased PvE aspects along with everything that shared similar premises w/ Narla. It was much different than what Eluisve was founded on-check the core connect roster yourself. Is it truely all ex Elusive or did you all not notice the Ex old school Impulse who have returned to game that are there as well as ex Narla?

    ((As I've stated in another thread a LONG time ago everyone who's been on this server for a very long time in the big factions was either ex Narla, ex Impulse or ex Fatalis-and Im talking about the super old school players not those who came in way after the fact))

    At any rate as Rescind started to grow in members and while Immunity lost some here and there, Rion became incresingly bitter in fac chat at time to the point where I would turn it off while farming. There's only so much back bite talk I can stand and the Nem bashing was getting old to read. Heard it enough from the forums so I didnt need to see it in there.

    Case in point-people bring up old drama/past for the sake of making a point, to defend their claims or to give credibility to it. While it may or may not be true, while there be any SS proof in exsistance to back it up or not, teh past is still rehashed. To tell people not to always cosnider the past or that their sick of hearing about it will not do you any good, especially if it get's revisted CONSTANTLY. Don't innitiate it if you don't want to continue the vicious cycle-at least don't do it where people can get proof of it.


    Now since apparently this got all misconstrued and catch 22'd like no tomorrow I will try to detail as I've hear it stand exactlly what was going down w/ the Rescind v Immunity phase on the Friday slot TW. NOTE-I will say what is "hear-say" or things I do not know to be complete fact, but rather what Ive heard form others and whatever is "fact" I'll brackt it as such.

    Case Study- Immunity v Rescind

    [Hear-Say] Rion was informed that Rescind would wait until 1 hour after the Nem TW wudl start and/or when they won. I am foggy as to who told them this or even why, as I am not in a TW corrdination spot.
    [Hear-Say] One hour before TW w/ Rescind, Rion was contacted that Rescind would NOT wait teh full hour but they would wait for a little bit. Actual time stated unknown. Again, foggy, no real info on this-can not get much conformation on who said what in this instance.
    [Fact] Rescind DID wait approx 15-23 minutes before full flegded attacking the crystal (there were ppl **** around by soul degening the crystal/normal attacking but if youre really gonna make any case off this technicality Ima have to slap you)
    [Fact] Some people in Rescind were getting rather annoyed, wondering if Immunity would even show. Which begets the whole WCing they were doing. IMOunless the leader hismelf says "well Im speaking for the WHOLE faction on this" don't assume EVERYONE in Rescind was doing/feeling the same as w/e was WC.
    [Fact, slight Hear-Say] Rion DID say he would no show Rescind to starve them of TW's and to getthem to disband. However it's unclear as to exactly when he was saying this whetehr it was during Rescind's wait, halfway through the Nem TW or after the New TW. I'm 90% possitive it was after Nem's TW as I managed to get a look off of Kaiser's screen before he left the faction what Rion had said, though I can't say for certain whether he had said anything prior to that.

    Case Study: TW Expectations and Nem v Immunity

    Nem v Immunity
    [Hear-Say] Nem was not coordinating very well on both nights, though performance was better as they managed to drop it to 30 minutes rather than that hour long fight. I heard everything from peopel were talking about other games for a huge block of time in vent to peopel not taking it seriously-all in all, it was something I was NOT expecting to hear. What was more shocking to me however is how out of proportion it got blown to. [/Hear-Say]

    Now head my words carefully-NOWHERE DO I HAVE CLAMINED NOR WILL EVER CLAIM THAT IMMUNITY CAN NOT NOR SHOULD NOT TW WITH NEM/ THAT IMMUNITY IS NON FACTORS. I don't speak for anyone else in Rescind or outside of it that I know that says otehrwise-so don't lump me in that group. I respect the fact that they as am I are entitled to express an opnion as how they see it and unless its bar butt WRONG I'm not going to bother correcting their OPINION. My opinion lies only on certain leadership in Immunity not on the faction as a whole as there are many nice and respectable peopel in there.

    I have stated clearly eslewhere that every person who shows up to TW is a factor-but if you have 170+ and ppl arent showing or all those players at some point CAN NOT GET ON AT THE SAME TIME (not that we're not taking into consideration time zones RL etc but Im saying the actual raw fact of the ability for those 170+ to get on at the same time as in-log in as seperate individual characters) then it is a waste of resources. Why do you think factions like Narla set a no alt policy? Because this gave use the RAW numbers of how many POSSIBLE people we could have at any given time in an instance. Besides, a group of 100+ members who all have the capability to come on at one time looks more attarctive than a faction full to its capacity where at least 20 are alts/dead accounts etc. (This isnt a comparison between Rescind and Immunity FYI-Ive seen factions on HT that match up like this and pump in alts just to make the numbers look good.)

    Case Study-TW Expectations

    This partly falls hand in hand with what happned w/ Rescind's TW along with some of the other examples of TW's on thsi server being handeled. In the case fo Rescind v Immunity, some peopel were bringing this stance to teh table- "If you wanted a TW so badly why couldn't you have waited the whole hour for us? You knew we were going to put all our forces into Nem and after we're done with that, you'd get your TW."

    Case Point 1- The whole TW world does not revolve around what you plan out with your forces weeks or even months in advance. No faction who wants land or wants TW will consider your plans. Try that on any other server and you'd prbably be laughed at. It'd be unheard of to expect ANY faction who's gathered up it's players, gears, strats the whole week to be revolving around what YOURE doing under a gank situation. Why do you think the system allows for ganks to happen? Not so that your opponent can roll over and take a one hour nap while you take care of business on another faction. No-its to give factions the opportunity to put pressure on teh land holding factions and to possibly score a land. Of course when factions like Enrage get SO strong they can easily hold off 3 way ganks every weekend straight, you know they mean buisness. Do you seriously think they were expecting the factions to give them 10-15 minutes to steam roll an 80 v 80 3 way gank weekend because they needed to focus their very best first in one TW? That doesnt happen because land is land and some factions dont really have that "respect", if you want to call it that. (But its more of they see it as what it is to its core which is TW not a specially instanced treaty room)

    Case Point 2- Always expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst. Though people did not attack Narla for MONTHS on end after Imuplse kind of feel to the wayside we were always half hoping there would be some point to prove our steel. And we did manage to beat off a 3 way gank-the only 3 way gank I've ever experienced. And for what it was worth whether the factions attacking were strong or not (all a matter of opinion of course), we managed to do it. Assume that not everything will go according to the perfect conquest plan inside your mind because people will some time decide to take up arms and do away with it.

    Considering these 2 points it should be quite clear why anyone would get pissy. When dying Narla tried to no show growing Nem into frustration, did that change anything? No-"starving" them of TW's did nothing to stop their objective. Expecting anything more from other factions when one of the higher teir factions has done this is a bit foolish.

    If you tout you're a force to be reckoned with, then whine about another faction's attack landing on a day where you're dumping ALL your forces onto another TW, you probably should know better. The more competitive you are or the more widely accepted you get as a TW faction, the more people will want to test you for themselves. And if all you'll do is tell them "wait an hour we're busy with a more competitive TW/with a faction that's worth our time" I'd be surprised if they didnt immediately crystal walk you for saying something like that, implied or not.


    People still rehash old Drama even if people are sick of it- and they do it to make a point, to defend their claims or to give credibility to it. whether peopel have proof or not it still gets overdone.

    My opinions DO NOT bear on whether people believe Imunity is or is not a factor, nor is that my main focus. How someone wants to express their opinions is their buisness and I have no right (unless their stupidly wrong about it) to correct them. Those two TW's were a disapointment as I know that the people in Nem can do much better-whether they were **** around, not caring etc. is only something they know. To call it just "them making excuses" and that "you're not responsible for it" isn't the point.

    The world of TW does not revolve around any one factions carefully made plans. Its a do or die facility in the game. To expect a faction to try and accomidate YOU would be laughed at by other factions on different servers. ALways expect teh unexpected and prepare accordingly. If you can not defend sucessfully get stronger, gear up,learn your class,create strats,level up. DOn't be surprised if factions becoe offended when you dont considered them enough of a showing, whether its implied or not.

    ----END REPOST----

    Okay blah let me actually get soem farming done you nabs QQ.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    forum007 wrote: »
    Nothing mysterious.

    I already mentioned in my first post that I'm TurnerSin.

    And the Rescind Executor that informed me about the said decisions is Kaiser (LostTrust).

    Jst to mention here, after our Nem TW finished, I was about to prepare for Rescind war when I checked the map, and realised it was already over (taken by Rescind). Nobody was expecting Rescind to finish in 20 mins (look at the TW video again and you can see the surprise reaction from some members).

    at the time in which i informed TurnerSin, to tell an exec of immunity that we would wait 1 hour. i was to lead the offensive in that TW. so it was my call. now i found out 1 hour before that proc didnt want me leading and he wanted Poss to lead. so i contacted rion through pms letting him know that we wouldnt be able to wait. that is what happend. i have said this many times and dont see how this is being misunderstood.

    btw glad to see u all saying my name so much.

    P.S yes wnb it was me acting on my own, but at that time i couldnt get ahold of proc and needed to make a decision, so that we could keep a few people in faction who would have left if we didnt try to wait for a good TW. yeah may have been a carebear move, but honestly this server is a bunch of carebears. so yeah, gonna start hating. **** u nem. **** u immunity. and randomly **** u perversia! u are the worst D:<

    you flail
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I'm going to take it nothing has changed on this server >.>

    And damn it Tami, I can't read your long posts xD
  • Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    and randomly **** u perversia! u are the worst D:<

    D:< whut did Perversia ever do to you huuuuuhhhh?? Just cause they have a kick butt icon? Why you hatin? D:<
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sheesh...I feel like Im studying for a frakkin' Final when I read Tamias' posts. b:surrender

    Or any of ya'alls posts for that matter. b:cry
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ANYWAYS since my post got drowned in mentally hadicapped drama over apoth in the last thread

    LMAO...this made me LOL. Too true, too true b:surrender


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