PooEA - Lost City Arc User


  • As title states the in-game time on world map is off by over 4 minutes to the actual time on Morai. On Lost City the time is correct, so I assume this has only happened to the Morai server. There is a major bug that many in faction have noticed as a result of this: - It seems that instances don't follow the world map time,…
  • So it seems that Sparkles is not responding to this thread of constructive criticism despite his previous effort of emphasizing how this was the way to go. He posted http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1693871 in the meantime so I doubt he missed seeing this thread. I say we return to our primitive but…
  • Yep I certainly did. I wrote it correctly later but messed up there. Thanks for that one, did not know about it! Tried today and for my faction it's 10 contribution and 10 contruction points + 1 class donation material.
  • Thank you for clearing that up, it's just what I wanted to know! As for the third run, now that you say that I seem to recall someone in my faction saying the third run is bugged since the last expansion... Which would probably explain why pwdatabase doesn't list any quest to obtain the reward pack: Fortifications: Gold
  • Some people ought to have reached mirage sky VI by now, any player able to confirm that the bm drake bash stuns as previously speculated?
  • So I tried again with a basic (10 point) reset note for a single attribute. After removing eq I had 5 base vit and mag. - Neither mag nor vit could be reset from 5 to 3. Then I put on my tome [Sunset Tales] which puts me at 13 vit. - I tried resetting vit again, but it still says it's unable to reset. I also borrowed a…
  • If you've restat to minimum 3 before reawkening then that will be saved on through. You didn't just attempt to restat already reset stats did you? Apologies if it's a dumb question, it's just that I think that's a possibility since your char's been around for a long time to restat before reincarnation. Which note did you…
  • Thanks for all responses, but I have 5 base still (without gear). From the replies I think the cause is me being reborn, two times; anybody twice reborn successfully reset? I tried both the basic one-attribute reset and basic all attribute reset and neither worked, maybe they are the ones that aren't working?
  • Anyway I don't think anyone should be worried about it being a loss to get this upgrade. The cast time is is increased by 1 sec, stun time the same. Ergo the time of stun you can manage yourself is no less than the time you have in current demon/sage skills. I'm assuming the number of hits are just as many as in…
  • Since you have both Life Tap and Elimination I've got a few questions for you, if you don't mind testing them for me =) As it's during cast time that these hits are dealt for both skills, non-interrupting silence like qpq, whisper shot and SoS should not stop the sequence (compare it to a wiz channeling bids and getting…
  • Now now Sint, as we all know by now from your forum posts you are the one and only archer that never misplays in any way, you have perfect timing, prediction and reasoning in every occasion. In order to dispel our disbelief why don't you just share a video of your own gameplay and simply watch as we all applaud to your…
  • I got a question about cast-time and interruption with silence (yes, CAST-TIME). For all skills before it used to be that once channeling finished and cast begun, they could not be stopped with FoW or SoS. But I'm curious if that is still the case for the new primal world upgrades of 2 sin skills and 1 wiz skill, namely: -…
  • I don't know if this is a valid example but is it possible to instead of reincarnating 3 times at 105, you reincarnate 4 times at say 103 or even 5 times at 100 to end up having the same namount of trading card bonus and extra stats?
  • I'm curious, if you switch cultivation after learning one of the merged skills, do they drop all the way down to level 10 upon switch? Logically I think you'll lose them but just want to be sure.
  • Unrelated (but important!) sorry Adroit have you or do you have plans to 1v1 Mooooooooo? I'm subbed to many youtube channels and I think aside from the expected upcoming match between zsw vs Aeliah this is the most hyped fight currently! I am a big fan of both you and cheze and would love to see this! PS. Ma personal fav…
  • A friend and I have the bows #81 and #96 respectively. I have the #96 one, for fast check the stats are as follows #81 = 21, 6, 18 #96 = 22, 5, 18 He has the 1% crit advantage and I have the 1 attack level advantage obviously, but IMO, damage-wise my bow should be ranked above his. My reasoning: Let's assume our damage…