Ok. So I realize this is probably going to be pretty noobish but if you can stop laughing at me a moment, I just want some help. I understand the TT stuff but what is the FCC gold? And TT90 is in the -int weapon path posted earlier and I thought you used the old TT weapons to make the next ones so wouldn't it end up being…
So that weapon path is for -int build right? I would assume so since the final set of daggers are -int. What path would someone advise following if they aim to maximize skill damage rather than the -int everyone seems to be doing?
Yeah the 20s suck pretty bad. Just keep that apoth stuff goin' and you'll get through eventually. One thing I did to make it easier was using Puncture and Slip. Those two will take out more than half a mobs hp and then just auto the rest. Isn't too terrible. Once you get bloodpaint and spark it's get's ridiculously easy.…
Alright. And yeah I am an assassin but I don't see how sneaking up on a psy helps unless it's at a time when you don't have all that **** up which from what I've read is like...never if you can help it.
So I figured this was a decent thread to post this question in rather than starting a new one since the topic is so similar. I want to know if it's normal to move away from skills as you progress. Because since level one I've pretty much tapped puncture and slip then finished em off with auto's. But since I got bloodpaint…
So what if I used something that gave me reflect? Then would the attack keep ping ponging back and forth between us until someones reflect went out? 'Cuz if that worked I could just make sure my reflect lasted longer than yours so when yours ran out you'd die. I have no idea if something like that would work but it's an…
So I'm not complaining about psy's being OP 'cuz I have never fought one myself. I'm just here to learn as I intend to do TW later which naturally means learning to fight other classes and I figure the best place to learn about psys is there own forum lol. So how would you psys go around killing yourseves if you had to?…