PandaXpresss - Harshlands Arc User


  • Think it's worth the cost for pvp uses against sins, on top of it's other uses? Or is there a cheaper/better alternative?
  • Wait is all of that necessary to reach a decent interval status? Or just what a good bm should have? I know TT99 gold wrists have interval, but the boots I was not aware they had it. I'm trying to compare the cost of an interval bm to the "equivalent costing barb" that was listed.
  • is interval gear really THAT expensive? cube necklace, ashura of purgatory, and full vit stones generates a pretty crazy cost as is...
  • actually soul burn only takes 1 spark.
  • 1) If you have a problem with that cleric being a jerk, find another one. Don't generalize. If you're not in a squad and demanding heals/buffs, that cleric (or any other class) has no obligations to heal and/or buff you. 2) No comment on the ganking... 3) Many people do not bother to think of the cleric during said FBs and…
  • Ah true. My bad, so ****, any takers yet?
  • Think you misspelled challenge. And wrong use of the word "to". Actually the word either would have been better suited. And I believe you missed an apostrophe in "Hell's pvp challenge". Now that I'm done critiquing...
  • nice music. Very catchy ^^
  • Barely make 100k net profits from grinding for 20 min, and that's during 2x drops. And I'd settle just for 2x drops, just to make grinding a viable way to make money, and for a reason to kill mobs outside of instances. And to the hyper/whoracle thing... honestly if you could afford to spam those things excessively, I…
  • f''(t) = (k^2)*f(t) Similarily, g''(t) = (k^2)*g(t) *copied from your formula I could be wrong but I believe it's sin(x) and cos(x) is the solution to the differential equation. Or exp(ix). Though admittedly I could be wrong, kinda late and prime's don't show up too well with my font and screen. Anyways that aside, it's a…
  • Dunno bout you... but I kinda prefer someone who gets excited about how attractive a girl in a game is rather than how many bloody bits you can sever a man into with a chainsaw, rocket launcher, or even a bare fist... >.>;;
  • I believe it vanishes forever into the abyss of nothingness... At least... that's what happened when I was experimenting with a helmsley coat way back when... never saw it again T,.,T And no you don't get mirages (or anything) from it...
  • Maximum level is higher than 90, there's still 105. And if you need to equip gear that you cannot equip you can just put the points you need. At higher lvls it becomes more of "fit your requirements and dump the rest where you want" The builds are a guide line in the beginning. For example for a full magic wizard who goes…
  • You can actually right click instead of double left clicking, It would speed up the purchase by a lot ^^. And then instead of clicking max then clicking done, click max then press enter. Not a lot of difference, but when repeated can shave off quite a bit.
  • I believe he's referring to the combo of using stun knock back then ranged attack, which is a common barb grinding combo. And since you've already pointed out why slam is useless in pvp, thus the point grinding combo =/= pvp combo As for no bh day, while I agree that the 3 bh's a day is a bit excessive, I think most people…
  • Quests start to go away when you stop using oracles. Also depending on how many bhs you do per day.
  • If you wish to learn it, what you could do is, every time the skill coolsdown wait a couple attacks and then stop autoattack. Then just wait till you see a channeling circle. You can cast alacrity almost immediately this way. (assuming your lag isn't too bad) Although this might be an issue with tanking bosses that either…
  • I think your problem is somewhere with the performance running of the pc vs the area you're in. If the problem is what I think it is, Best way around that is to either: A ) log in with a different computer, B) I don't remember if you can change options to make the game run smoother without actually being in game, but…
  • That's insane... wish I could do that @_@... Hey just wondering... how much hp would you have if you were a vit build with all those vit stones lol
  • Granted, but someone else has posted the exact same fashion and accuses you of cheating and stealing his/her work. Your reward is revoked and you are threatened with being banned. I wish there was another 2x drops week
  • @Belligero Even though it's one icon for 2 effects, you can use anti stun pots with invoke to negate the 50% reduction. Don't know if you can puri it too, haven't tried yet, but might in the future. Didn't know you couldn't purge it though, that's good to know lol I always assumed you could, so waited for a veno to try…
  • I don't know bout every time, but every attack has a chance to break channeling. And there is a scenario that if the channeling party is some how out of range from the target (Has to be more than what you can run) before casting begins, I believe they stop channeling. This happens a lot if a mage were to distance shrink…
  • Psychic's landslide actually cancels channeling. Archer's knockback doesn't. And the reason you're getting hit is because of the very small lag. It's the same that if you ran away from a mob and it was right next to you it could still hit you with one attack even if you sprinted (apoth pots or bm sprint) away. It's the…
  • Just curious on this. I've seen world chats like this, (seen em for tanks too) But what if someone wc's "Looking for cleric for bosses. Paying 100k" Would you whisper this person? And afterwards would you request your pay that they said they would? It'd be different if someone didn't say they would pay, but if they…
  • There was a point flesh ream and roar didn't seem to hold aggro. Cleric pulled aggro from me after using roar with 1 iron heart. As for fleshream, I couldn't get aggro off of another barb who was attacking in human form with GX's for the life of me spamming fleshream devour and what not till all my chi was gone. Oddly…
  • Just a panda so nothing to spectacular to show, but just wanted to drop a comment. Great pic, really wanna see more of your work ^^
  • Well if you're sure it's your router, you can try accessing it through your web browser. First start>>run>>cmd Type in ipconfig to find out your ip address (should be a long number with 4 segments Then open any browser and type in that number except the last segment after a '.' will be 1 (…
  • When you get a full experience bar from crafting things of your level, you go to any elder and ask to level up your crafting ability. Takes spirit and coin.
  • Depends on the bosses, there are a lot of bosses that can probably one shot you later on, unless your pour a lot into vit. Big issue with higher level bosses is the necessity of purify from clerics. Sure there's a puri pot, but the cooldown won't be fast enough if the boss spams the debuff.
  • Have they changed the skill recently then? Haven't done bhs with psychics recently. And @ sirrobert... hope you don't get hit that much =P