I'm a casual gamer and I approve this message. b:cool Wayo!
How bad would the lag be if you're in say....California and play on this new server? I'll try the new server, if lag is too bad then forget that.... Oh good, i have enough time to study "their" language.
I got red name and wanna lose it fast as well, what's OVS btw?
Lmao... Hey troll go back to your cave nao! b:beatup
oh sweeet! Thanks bro!
Why is that? b:shocked
Where the smart asian ppl at? b:angry
I'd delete Barbs. They're my assassin's worst nightmare. Knife vs Brick wall = Wall wins
Do all dailies and FCC
lol at zapaton You're that cheap?!!! haha kidding!
Do they update guild icons too when they do maintenance? b:question
New Server would be a bad idea. oh wait...i think good... i mean bad... oh nvm yeah its good idea cuz ppl gonna have to start spending $$$ again to get to high lvl. xD and re-buy epic fashion and mounts and flys
cool cool, theeeenks! Mod you can close this thread now. My question has been answered =) THEEENKS!!!
Lol 1 time i did a frost run on my sin, she wouldn't stop running. Can't tele, can't sit, can't trade, can't even log off! lool b:laugh...i was like "FACEPALM" >.>
ahh okay cool cool thanks. oh btw, does it really take 1month before they approve/implement the icons? people been telling me 1 month. some say every b:surrender
Nevermind guys, it worked now. Turns out I jsut had to pass lead to other char then other char pass lead again back to me to refresh. Submitted Icon already. Mod you can delete this thread now thanks.
oh i see....
Okay, i'll try that. I hope it works. Am I the only one with this problem? or is it everyone that bought colossal Dragonfly have this problem?
huh? what? where? oh sorry...i was distracted by the female sin's ****.