Oltrenatura - Harshlands Arc User


  • Yes, GMs please bring back the nirvana dungeon by increasing the drop rate, i miss caster nirv with my psy and btw if u don't bring nirvana back ppl could get R9 without cashshopping, collecting nirvana talis.. xD and you don't want this.. right?!? b:laugh
  • I don't think it is possible to perfectly estimate the server population, because there are plenty of users that won't come to nation wars or they have a char under lvl 60. We can only know how many are inside instance.. and if i'm not wrong the first day of nation wars we were about 500ish on HL so is it possible the…
  • I prefer this TW timing is a lot better for me because i come from europe and as i can see there are more TWs at 2 pm (american server time) and here is like 8 or 7 o clock in the evening so is perfect!Good job finally changing that!
  • I totally agree with WenSon! they should add the option to transfer character between american and eu servers and this would help for two things : 1) European players that started playing pwi time ago they could finally play on europe servers without having to remake a character from beginning, and most important thing,…
  • I think we will find out soon on 14th of November. b:chuckle Anything it will be out my problem will remain the same: the server time D: infact i can't even do tws and nothing, i was confident about this expansion i tought fresh air will be given also to european players.. but ofc i was wrong.. at least somebody please…
  • I've read about the new expansion server v server timing.. and it says that the wars will take place at 20:00 server time and only during weekend. Well i don't think this is a good idea, server v server should be every day or at least 4 days a week during different daytime nad nigthtime , i come from Europe and i play in…