Nyvia - Harshlands Arc User


  • It's ok hehe. I've tried many things like reinstalling the game, running patches, buying more stones (which are now on my ALTs) and random other things. I just want a DEV or GM to come on here and tell us that the problem is going to be fixed and we'll all be happy again b:thanksb:victory
  • I played back during those days. When there was no BH, when miji'ing was the way to go during FC runs and daily grinding, when Just Questing was one of the best ways to get quick EXP. I miss those days....but anyway....the main problem at hand: I have a ton of stones I can't use now because of this "glitch". I could send…
  • Fail quote but whatever; you get the point.
  • Bump. This has lasted long enough.
  • I feel your pain. I haven't been able to use Hyper Stones for almost a week now. All timers are at zero and I definitely have more than enough stones (I as well thought they were messed up so I continued to purchase more). Someone....please....fix this.