you sir seem very butt hurt, and if it wasnt you that came out to west a couple times then it was some wizzie who had pretty much the exact same name. b:bye
dude has a tt99 green sword. i one hit him twice yesterday, while 3v1ing a few different people. 1v1's exist when you actually have some gear.
asterelle should make one for wizard weapon >.>
thing i hate the most: People who drop stuff to you in pk, then complain about it. Then get mad and come back out, and drop more. then start all over again. made about 1mil coins offa one person earlier today
yet again a nice vid adroit. I need someone lucky to influence my weapon >.>. any takers?
windshield is nice to stop a bypass any day of the week. Idk what your gear looks like, but mine is full +10 with exclusive garnets as place holders and a drake bash zerk crit around 65% hp can still bypass my charm. As well as wiz/psy crits. Level 1 windshield is basically spamable, will stop 90% of those bypasses from…
Just an update on badge, I havent removed it yet but I have not needed to use it since i got my purify weapon. wind shield/afa is enough to tank +12 omen long enough to seal/sleep/get close. I'm thinking of dropping badge but I'm not sure what other skill i really want yet.
afa is hard to see cast. so you can let htem waste 2 sparks on you while you take ~40% of hte normal damage they would do. I got AD on my genie and never ever used it.
I did most of my rolls all at once. im currently at 11/7/17 lol. I've got my mind set on 22/7/xx and thats what im going to get. will just take a few weeks of not pvping and living in lunar/ws
I have mine remapped. i click apoth because it's to easy to slip and hit it by mistake on a hotkey. + i dont use it all that often anymore
Biggest thing that I saw is you get stunned and badge out w/o even getting a charm tick. If you get hit with drake bash thats a hard hitting skill on cooldown, why not ride out the stun if you can? If you have decent ping you can blink out of range in between drake bash and roar of the pride. Everything else has pretty…
Just Another Day In A Perfect World
so what i said :D on a serious note. Hopefully I will have my weapon this weekend and I'll take badge off of my genie to try it out. I'll post back here once I pvp with it some and see how it goes. To answer your question on which skills to pick. At full r999+10 with decent shards you can live w/o AD. Freeing up a spot on…
I'd honestly leave out badge and test it out. If you absolutely can't live w/o badge drop extreme poison. Wizards hit hard enough w/o it.
I'm pretty nervous about dropping it. But i'm hoping to get requiem in the next 2 weeks along with my last set piece. At that point I'll drop it for poison and see how it goes. Idk how it goes on LC, but 99% of pvp on harshlands is the same combo everytime. It's very easy to predict when someone will seal/stun etc. like…
Adroit, have you thought about taking badge off of your genie yet? I'm thinking of dropping badge once I get the puri weap and maybe picking up ep or windshield. Though if I get ws i'll probably just drop AD for it. I'm currently at: boc fortify holy path AD spark will surge afa out of all of them, I really only use…
I agree with adroit on killiing well geared/played bms. Its a quite a challenge. Though if your pretty good at counting marrow time you can try to seal/stun/sleep fow>ms>sporific then go for a bypass since their magic marrow is down. Most good bm's hit it every 10 secs though :(
only thing i can really say is to play to your str's. You have almost 21k hp and you play just like i have to with my 10k hp wizard. You can take some heat, if your getting hit by 12 people and they can't kill you thats 12 people not hitting your squishier teammates. Nice video though, I enjoyed itb:victory
Dont worry eo, i recorded the war. I'll try and get it edited in the next couple days. Been busy irl
alastar please come teach infamous bm's how to bm in tw
gz on the gear adroit, nice to see you back in action. While watching your video I realized how similarly we play i.e. skill choices and such. I jsut wish i had the gear to not need my genie very often. Pretty cool video though. Keep making them :D
Sorry guys, this thing called life got in the way last weekend and i couldn't attend tw. Therefore i couldn't make a video. I promise it'll never happen again.
Are we talking favorite or most effective way to kill things. I find that my ulti's are still capable of bypassing tanky targets but sutra is the more effective way to deal with them since i don't really need crits. SS>SR>gush>GS is nice if they have soul of fire(its starting to catch on in HL). All in all, my favorite way…
I'm no where near as tanky as you are mooo, I actually have to use my genie every time i'm stunned with a DD on me or I die. So yes, spamability is an issue atm and derp I don't just stand around using skills all willy nilly. Like I said in an earlier post, in a few months I might try it out once i get my new gear. I may…
He is a psychic....
mooooooooo you make some valid points, but in my experience ws has been enough to save me. I've had it save me by 100hp more times then i can count, but with how gear has progressed now it isn't enough to really make a difference like you said. Which is why I dropped it in the first place, but I agree with boogie in the…
So are we pretty much agree'd that AFA isn't all that useful when compared to WS?
Playing With Fire Because I'm a mage and I KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!! And well I'm a bit of a pyromaniac :D
My gear hasnt changed in over a year. Hopefully I will upgrade to full omen here in the next 4-5 weeks and be able to really play aggressively again. And yes, I am trying to break the jumping habit lol. Been doing it since it was one of the better sin deterrent. Still trying to quit doing it lol
I've ended up dropping windshield all together for now. picked up some other useful defensive skills like soul of fire(already saved my *** more times then i can count). Willsurge which is very useful against wizards clerics and ultimately psys. I'm still working on getting willsurge timed right with sotg. could become…