I think you just have to wait for them to fix it, but it's fixed for me right now ^^.. I think it either was fixed by the patch, or since it's been a day since i sent the ticket o_o..
Doubt it, the malasyian server is ahead of the international server by a bit, and there isn't much for the WB.. X_x.. they have all their skills I believe, but over here, I don't think all the skills have been implemented, judging from the expansion thing.
Today, well for my time it'd be tomorrow, but 11 pm PST i think, which is 2 am EST here X_x.. So.. in about 1 hour?
Level 20 WR in 2 days ^^.. trying to level up as much as possible, because of the annoying cultivation glitch... Just came here from the malasyian server X_x.. it's so.. congested here compared to there, but a lot less lag.. had a level 24 WF over there @_@..