NeoT - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Gasoline, I have some Oracles, yes I am going to wait for doing them... Just because I don't want to deal with this situation. Not because I am going to get on my knees in front of higher lvls. Like I said, being higher lvl doesn't make them special AT ALL. I tried yesterday one to have fun with some other gamers in the…
  • Hahaha, so now the other players are pissing you off? That is so funny... Hope you enrage on your seat while knowing I am laughing my **** off over here and that a lot are doing the same!! Too funny!!b:laugh Well too bad for you I am not threatning or threathning, I am just giving an exemple of a jackass about the…
  • hmmm... well, well... being a jerk or not... This event showed a lot of the real face of some players... About being a jerk in game and in Real Life, I know after some experiences that it applies... I will not put any name in this post, but telling a person by voice "I am happy that you are dying and I hope you will rot in…
  • I see that some ppl don't get it and keep being rude to others... It is not a question of "I am high level and nothing else to do, you low level you have plenty of quests so move, I don't care"... It is an event. It means that it doesn't depend on your level, you want to be part of the event when the event is going... not…
  • All I see here is high lvl char posting... I would like to hear about the lower levels who didn't have a chance to accomplish their Oracle just because some higher lvls couldn't let other lowers lvls get their chance... I have some oracles... I will not waste my time with some stupid gamers who don't know how to play...…
  • Who give a dam about that poll?
  • All I see here is high lvl char posting... I would like to hear about the lower levels who didn't have a chance to accomplish their Oracle just because some higher lvls couldn't let other lowers lvls get their chance... I have some oracles... I will not waste my time with some stupid gamers who don't know how to play...…
  • All I see here is high lvl char posting... I would like to hear about the lower levels who didn't have a chance to accomplish their Oracle just because some higher lvls couldn't let other lowers lvls get their chance... I have some oracles... I will not waste my time with some stupid gamers who don't know how to play...…