Mysty - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • From what I've seen it's barely a pin-prick, not enough to bleed...people are buying stuff like I don't think prices are coming down...and the servers are busy. Sorry but I don't see a mass exodus.
  • Wow how did I stumble onto this thread....*makes mental note to not ever ever ever Ever join Memento guild*. Holy **** a whole lot of Drama for a Guild Invitation thread!
  • My Gosh enough with the whining already!! It's been over a week and people are still whining, but while you're complaining Guess What?? The server is jam-packed, people are leveling like there's no tomorrow, you can hardly kill your mobs there's so many people leveling...mounts are running around all over with people…
  • I think you just hit on something important....there will be an "upper class" here, a "middle class" and a "lower class". The upper class will enjoy the benefits of mounts, charms, and fashion, the lower class will just grind away and harvest mats for the upper class, and the middle class will be somewhere…
  • At first I was extremely offended by the pricing here in the item mall, compared to the malaysian version, and I was going to go back to the cheap version. But I'm starting to come around ....*ducks*.....Here's my take on it all. I don't think they're gonna lower the prices. If they were gonna do that they would have done…
  • Jeeezz, the quests aren't vague, they are meant for you to have to look around sometimes and use your head. Most of the quests give you a general idea of where to go, and guess what, when you have the requirements of the quest done, there's an npc tracker for the quest that will light up a yellow arrow for Exactly where…
  • In this game your level doesn't really tell the whole story. Your Rep points, your skills available and skill points, and your crafting level(s) all take time and effort and aren't reflected in your level per se. Just depends on how you want to build your char. Also, a venomancer will naturally be the fastest leveler in…
  • I think they should just do away with post counts being displayed anyways...just makes for people spamming forums to try and get their post count up...I mean for what....just leave the join date there, that's enough.