Concerns About Cash Shop Pricing



  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well... except the 'toyota' in this case is not in the same city. do you buy nike shoes here in the USA? well they sell the same kind of nike shoes in China for like 1/10 of the price you pay. revolt?

    it's the internet, and i don't live in USA anyway.

    i can be virtually in China (or Europe) more or less as quickly as i can be in USA.

    my friggin toyota can come from anywhere that sells it to me for a good deal ty and goodbye.
  • Ultimusmagus - Heavens Tear
    Ultimusmagus - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    With the exception of IP blocks, one's location does not limit what one can or cannot do online. That's a rather lame argument to see on the Internet. 'Nuff said.
  • l0ki
    l0ki Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    GM's/Whoever's incharge of Zen Price~ WAKE UP PEOPLE! :) If you can delete my post, i bet you can post what's going to happen. We need some news Masters~ It's almost 50 page. 1- 2 sentence/s is all we need
  • Mysty - Heavens Tear
    Mysty - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My Gosh enough with the whining already!! It's been over a week and people are still whining, but while you're complaining Guess What?? The server is jam-packed, people are leveling like there's no tomorrow, you can hardly kill your mobs there's so many people leveling...mounts are running around all over with people riding them, world trumpets are being used, it doesn't look to me like there's a huge running-off of people away from the game. People are trying to sell zen for in-game gold, shouting with their world trumpets....for 100k each! That tells me that the pricing system is ok, so Get Over It Already like I did. Peace Out.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My Gosh enough with the whining already!! It's been over a week and people are still whining, but while you're complaining Guess What?? The server is jam-packed, people are leveling like there's no tomorrow, you can hardly kill your mobs there's so many people leveling...mounts are running around all over with people riding them, world trumpets are being used, it doesn't look to me like there's a huge running-off of people away from the game. People are trying to sell zen for in-game gold, shouting with their world trumpets....for 100k each! That tells me that the pricing system is ok, so Get Over It Already like I did. Peace Out.

    the bulk of people on server thus far are below L60s.

    after everyone hits L60s (HH, t wars, long painful fbs and horrible boss quests) everyone will start needing hieros, then the real cost of game will become apparent.

    till then everyone is an innocent newb, totally clueless of the pricing terrors that are about to hit them.

    so yeah, prices are not ok - you will all soon find this out.
  • l0ki
    l0ki Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    troll wrote: »
    the bulk of people on server thus far are below L60s.

    after everyone hits L60s (HH, t wars, long painful fbs and horrible boss quests) everyone will start needing hieros, then the real cost of game will become apparent.

    till then everyone is an innocent newb, totally clueless of the pricing terrors that are about to hit them.

    so yeah, prices are not ok - you will all soon find this out.

    *salutes to this post* 100% Right~
  • tadpole
    tadpole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I hope this issue wont cause the game to die before it takes off .This thread has informed me that a European version will be out soon, which will have cheaper items, a better ping and better timed events for me as a European player. This thread has also let me know me that at a higher level I will have to pay out a lot each week just to function. I was warned a couple of days ago by a MY player that he knew people that speant hundreds of dollars playing that version, he advised that I didnt spend a penny on the game. I bought 40 dollars worth of Zen and its gone in a day !
  • Paulytnz - Heavens Tear
    Paulytnz - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    like i said before, they may lower the price, but forget about getting "extra zhen".. forget it kids.. if you couldn't wait then dont ask for more.

    think about this, maybe if i talk about videogames you kids can understand:
    If i go to buy the new video game that came today from the market, and it cost $100.. i knew that it was expensive, but i wanted to play it now! NOW!, and after a month i see that the price of it decrease because there are another new games... should i go to ask the manager of the market to give me some money back because i "supported" him ? wtf? ....

    Dont ask for "extra zhen" just because you were impatient.. sorry, but no.

    Okay mate lets get a few things straight here:

    I am no kid alright, I am in my 30's and I work dang hard for my money. Wait for what? Wait to make enough cash in game to get all the things I want without ever paying a cent to help support the game? I could do that but as I have said I prefer to actually help support the game unlike some people that just want a free ride all the time. I really hope they make this subscription only so that we can get rid of some of you sarcastic, snotty nosed "play for free" "know it alls". It might help with the lag too...

    Secondly when I made my Zen purchase they did not say exactly how much gold I would get for the cash I paid. $20 ($30 for me after exchange rates, I am from New Zealand) = 2000 zen which = 20 - gold pieces. From the boutique before buying any zen you can see what things cost in the gold amount but they tell you no where how much gold you will get for your Zen or your real life dollar.

    Again my gripe is with the pigments. It does not give a clear enough description for what you are paying for. The 50 cent options says "a colour pack". Now this led me to believe that I would get a pack of colours ( a pack means more than one right!?), maybe a few at least. Not the one random dye colour that I got each time which was NO help at all. I spent a good $8 on this trying for 1 or 2 colours to match my clothes.

    The 10 pack option is even worse! You don't get 10 dyes for your cash you get an item that lets you recolour (again random colour) your items. So if you don't get a colour you are happy with you have to try again, but worse than the other option you don't get to trade off the colour that you don't want - no option to at all.

    In real life if you bought a game (or any product for that matter in my country anyway) and if it does not live up to the advertising of it you are entitled to a FULL refund. I am not asking for anything near that here but after reading the last three paragraphs that I have just typed I now see that if this WAS a game that I had purchased (in the real world) I would be entilted to such. 1 - Not only not living up to the advertising but not even advertising or stating at all what you are getting! 2 - misleading information for one of the products, ie again the pigment item.

    Go ahead, tell everyone to wait and get things for free but I tell you if everyone did that the game will not exist for too long.

    BTW I have only been playing this game 3 days and when I did purchase this Zen I didn't know the game was still so new, so I thought the prices were well established (thus must be fair, which added to me taking that risk) already. Only after I had my bad experiance there did I find the forums and this thread and find out just how new the game really still is.

    Yes go ahead and say I should have done my homework and find out more information about the game and read everything on the website (as well as other sites [which I had done also] because there is limited info on the website as it is about anything for this game). To be honest I found it hard enough finding out the information I did find just to play the game and understand all the skills and etc. I am a long time online mmo player too and am used to very complex games and systems. Again I say the set up of this website is not the greatest with the information that they give and that goes more so for the cash side of things.

    So I thought blow it, its only going to be $20 anyway so what if it turns out to be "not that worth it". Again I say I was happy with the prices to upgrade my bank and inventory spaces even at the cost for that being something close to $20 alone. I was also not discouraged about the price of the clothing, but these dang dye pigmants got to me after spending another $20 to try and get it worked out and still failing. So yes I will moan about it here to try and get that side of it fixed up and "put right" simply because I don't want to have to face all that again in future if I decide to buy the clothing again. As for reimbursment or any extra gold being paid out to players such as myself I would not ask for such for what I was happy with but those dyes need serious working on and I would want something back there....

    Okay, I wrote a book again, get used to that from me if you see me post here because I get very into online game forums and have done a lot as such for another such game which I wont mention but did end up modding the forums for because of my books...

    Okay I hush now (sorry very tired lol). :P
  • Paulytnz - Heavens Tear
    Paulytnz - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nobody said anything about automatic, they just asked to be rewarded for supporting the game while prices were high.

    First of all, I see no reason why anyone should care if players do get compensated since someone pays for the F2P games for those who don't. Some of the comments are rather rude. It's fine to say you don't think they should be compensated, but to call them stupid and such (not the person I responded to.. others) is rather mean. Why would you care?

    Yes, in life you buy stuff and then it's cheaper and you don't get compensated, but, if the game designers decide their prices were unfair, then what difference does it make? Sometimes you just do something because it's the right thing to do,e specially for the people who put their money up when others would not.

    I'll tell you why these people act this way - jealousy plain and simple. I've seen it time and time again on this other game I have played for 7 years. Usually (here's the ironic thing) it's from the 'kids" too that act this way because they can't afford members and their "mommy or daddy" wont pay for them. "Hey theres one that can afford to pay and get way more advantages for doing so - get him!" That's never the case tho there are no real advantages and from what I can see it's the same here..

    You know, I thought adults would be smarter than this and know not to bite the hand that feeds them so to speak. I guess I was wrong huh....

    EDIT: Good luck getting your white dye Kahlan lol.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well... except the 'toyota' in this case is not in the same city. do you buy nike shoes here in the USA? well they sell the same kind of nike shoes in China for like 1/10 of the price you pay. revolt?

    They are. I can as easily choose to play on the MY, PWI or European servers, with only a click of the mouse.

    To buy those Nike in China would be more troublesome since I don't have direct access to them.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Skarett - Lost City
    Skarett - Lost City Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    They are. I can as easily choose to play on the MY, PWI or European servers, with only a click of the mouse.

    To buy those Nike in China would be more troublesome since I don't have direct access to them.

    Ebay, thats all.
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Prices won't change guys that much is obvious. Americans have tons of money to spend so lets move on. EU closed beta will probably be out in around a month
    Lost City
  • Devast - Heavens Tear
    Devast - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    Prices won't change guys that much is obvious. Americans have tons of money to spend so lets move on. EU closed beta will probably be out in around a month
    Yep, i'm doing that already. Also, it's pointless to post more about this issue, you're trying too hard to give them your money. Just chill out in "f2p" mode at pwi servers till eu starts :p
  • Moogle - Lost City
    Moogle - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    Prices won't change guys that much is obvious. Americans have tons of money to spend so lets move on. EU closed beta will probably be out in around a month

    I've already signed up for the EU CB, once that comes out there's 90% chance I'll be ditching this for PW EU. As many players have repeatedly pointed out, prices are ridiculous for what you get. Since PWE won't listen to their customers' complaints, these customers will just go elsewhere. At the end of the day it's their loss.
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'll tell you why these people act this way - jealousy plain and simple. I've seen it time and time again on this other game I have played for 7 years. Usually (here's the ironic thing) it's from the 'kids" too that act this way because they can't afford members and their "mommy or daddy" wont pay for them. "Hey theres one that can afford to pay and get way more advantages for doing so - get him!" That's never the case tho there are no real advantages and from what I can see it's the same here..

    You know, I thought adults would be smarter than this and know not to bite the hand that feeds them so to speak. I guess I was wrong huh....

    EDIT: Good luck getting your white dye Kahlan lol.

    Thank you! I'm in no hurry since they only have 20% of the cash shop open and my dress isn't avaliable yet, but trying to gather a bit of white dye as I can... got 1 so far but I think the dress takes 13.
  • Paulytnz - Heavens Tear
    Paulytnz - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thank you! I'm in no hurry since they only have 20% of the cash shop open and my dress isn't avaliable yet, but trying to gather a bit of white dye as I can... got 1 so far but I think the dress takes 13.

    13? Gah that's crazy...

    I have been looking over the prices and pigment costs to dying some of the more higher lvl ones recently and have decided that I wont be buying anymore clothes so this game will not get any more support from me in that department.

    The prices of the clothing I can live with but the random dye thing combined with how many you need to dye some clothing just makes it seem like it's not worth it. Especially since it's ALL random. It's hard enough to get just 1 of one colour, just imagine 13 for one item of clothing, and them imagine trying to match a set!

    Nope sorry they expect too much for so little. Give us a subscription service instead please...
  • Moogle - Lost City
    Moogle - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't understand why this thread is still going; it seems to me that nothing will be done about the prices and everyone's wasting their time by posting the same things over and over. The prices are most probably going to stay as they are. As long as there are people buying zen at the current prices, they will stay like that. End of.
  • l0ki
    l0ki Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't understand why this thread is still going; it seems to me that nothing will be done about the prices and everyone's wasting their time by posting the same things over and over. The prices are most probably going to stay as they are. As long as there are people buying zen at the current prices, they will stay like that. End of.

    Good questi0n :rolleyes: It's because a lot of people are still waiting for some answers. If they get what they wanted they'll stay in PWint if they don't they go.In my case,, if they don't lower the price I'll buy Cash shop items using coins, if they lowered it, I'll use my $_$
  • liran
    liran Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    just to let u know all those replies aint related only to the point that we will not buy in item mall here as long as the prices stay like that.
    its a sign for a major migration into the upcoming europe servers.

    this is a message to All Us who call themself International (yea right) .

    keep ignoring this situation will end up with more than half of your players moving to the new

    (international multilanguage server) the europe server.

    so again u better think wisely before keeping the current prices.
  • kilemorgan
    kilemorgan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Only one thing to say. How do I delete my account?
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kilemorgan wrote: »
    Only one thing to say. How do I delete my account?

    You can't :D
    Lost City
  • pacifica
    pacifica Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Like many others that have posted here, I too believe the cash shop items are way overpriced. I'm sure that PWI has their reasons for making the prices this way and I mean no disrespect, but these forums were made to express our opinions so I'll express mine.

    The idea that prices here are mostly 3x as much as MY-En without a nearly complete cash shop mostly for fashion and mounts (which is a bit disappointing) makes me shudder at how much newer items will cost in the future. That is, if the items are ever implemented. For example, those long cheongsam dresses or funky outfits are worth more than 10 gold on MY-En. That can mean they will be 3x as much here-- like $12.00. I hope that I am wrong, that it won't be the case in the future.

    (Its funny how quickly my need for fashion could disappear so quickly. Being a girl I never hesitated to buy fashion or pigments on MY-En but now I will most likely spend only on the necessities like heiros.)
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Just expressing my thoughts: Cash Shop prices are ridiculous at the moment. 3 times more expensive than MY-EN and don't give me that capita ****, won't buy it.
  • Ethree - Lost City
    Ethree - Lost City Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    maybe they are waiting to see how much zhen is actually being bought
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] tx Haiz too pro
  • teesh
    teesh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    l0ki wrote: »
    Good questi0n :rolleyes: It's because a lot of people are still waiting for some answers. If they get what they wanted they'll stay in PWint if they don't they go.In my case,, if they don't lower the price I'll buy Cash shop items using coins, if they lowered it, I'll use my $_$

    You can buy CS items with in game money? I thought you HAD to use Zen for the cash shop and only got Zen via real world money...

    Someone explain please?
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    teesh wrote: »
    You can buy CS items with in game money? I thought you HAD to use Zen for the cash shop and only got Zen via real world money...

    Someone explain please?

    People buy zen with their real money, then sell it in the game.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Od - Lost City
    Od - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    People buy zen with their real money, then sell it in the game.

    At the auction House... =D
  • stalwart
    stalwart Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Poor Americans :(!
    It's a good thing this game is free for those who want it to be :P.
    High gas prices... it's more expensive in Canada :O.
    Brethren - 21 Mage
  • Law - Lost City
    Law - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    People buy zen with their real money, then sell it in the game.

    yep this high price zen thing is beating the whole purpose of cash shop, PWI is currently selling in game coin for real life cash.
  • glider
    glider Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    teesh wrote: »
    Well I've been patient and hopeful that this would be resolved before now. But tomorrow Warhammer Online, starts their headstart for those who bought the collector's edition, which means me. So unless I absolutely hate the game, this is likely goodbye to PWI. I really wanted to play here, and purchase stuff from the cash shop, but the prices are too high and the powers that be apparently are more interested in squeezing as much out of the affluent as possible before making changes.

    Even if they changed things today, its too little too late. I'll still check out PW-EU but I'm done here.

    I'm sorry to see yet another person leave. I'm really surprised management is doing nothing to stop the bleeding. (Having meetings and telling us 'we're having meetings, don't worry' doesn't count.)
This discussion has been closed.