As You mentioned You are trying to make Crossbow Archer I'll assume that You wanna PK in future. Best build for that is 1 str 4 dex every lvl meaning You should have STR: Level + 4 (ex: at lvl 51 You should have 55 STR) DEX: rest of Your points.
Try double click the icon. If that doesn't help please give us some details
press the "~" button few times. Your level makes this funny. No offense.
b:laugh Do exactly the oposite of what He's saying. Use phys attacks against robes and magic attacks against Heavy armor.
Here You have link with rep rewards, although You'll have to figure out PWI names.
Why would someone pay for quest items if he/she is going to get for free?
1. 2. Press G 3. There is a button "Leave Faction" in Guild Window after pressing G. 4. You Can join and leave as many factions as You want whenever You want 5. I don't think that there is such possibility
From what I see here You are going for Pure Dex Build That means You should have 4 more STR then your's level and rest in DEX. Stop adding STR till level 38 and from that level(including) go for 1 STR 4 DEX per level.
You need to have 3 Mirage Celestones. When You have them go to Watcher of the earth and choose Summon Genie. Select the genie you want and "craft" it.
my bad correct name is watcher of earth sry
go to the watcher of skies and choose Learn Genie Skill. Pick the one you want and spend some spirit on it
Check this link:
At start You can have 3 skills. If You have 200 points in magic You can have additional 5 skills. 3+5=8 skills
For the next persons that will try to get through the Wall: "Don't try to get through the Wall, that's impossible. Instead realize the truth that there is no Wall then you'll pass Them, and They will be like b:shocked :"How?"."