Mordred - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Leviathan wasn't made on the purpose to win as many lands as we can...we just want to have some fun, and that's what we're hoping for. We could care less if we lose our lands, our goal is to have fun, not to own the map. Good luck to every single guild particpating in TWs this weekend, and may the best win.
  • lvl92 wizard 1shooting 70s is hard! :p Anyway, we tried to defend our land, but you guys have way too much was all good fun though...I'm looking foward to have some more even TWs in few weeks when guilds start catching up. Gz to everyone's accomplishments this weekend.
  • Just my 2 cents. Infamy is a good and organized guild, and they worked hard to get the best guild in the server status. Even though I'm an Insight member, I do not hate Infamy at all. Tbh I applaud their work in becoming the best guild in the server. They kept their guild mostly clean of troublemakers and organized, which…
  • Empire does not suck at all, it's a pretty cool guild^^ do not talk w/o knowing it ;) What's your nick ingame boy?
  • yo Pedro, pm me in-game dude I have something to talk with ya^^ I might show up in the vent someday though to check on peeps^^ good the see ya here man