where the heck are the rankings all I see is blank
yes .
That's why i reverted all my demon skills to get ember storm back. Pretty bs that sin barb bm get insanely op skills while wiz get skills so good that I'd spend hundreds of mils to NOT have it.
I think it's less useful than frostblade
is the output getting cut off? because both times it only got 37/52 S cards which is highly improbable (should be getting at least like 50/52).
Sweetiebot please open 10000 War Avatar Pack S.
Sweetiebot please open 10000 War Avatar Pack S.
I still find it weird that more ppl complain about the barb skill which is short and not 100% and less about the bm version which is Aliens. and lol to ppl who think it isn't easily spammable.
it's paralyze. but the cd and duration makes it much more reasonable than the bm/barb version. actually a bit useless imo.
if it's a bonus to base pdef and mdef it would be a lot less useful. this gave classes without a self pdef/mdef buff a huge huge boost since they will be much harder to debuff. It's also nice for when getting purged.
well I think demon is better still. 10% more pdef survivability. And I think the cc is more than just slightly better, although mainly in 1v1s. now that stone rain can actually be spammed, it is really gud. Also playing a demon wiz vs sage before I don't seem to be lacking that much chi.
in all seriousness purify is only op when fighting with a number of undergeared opponents. the proc is average of 1 every 8 hits. an opponent in similar gears can easily kill arcanes in ~8 hits or less. Also purify is a defensive proc. If it goes off, all that happens is you don't end up killing the person. Purify procing…
yeah the xp is preserved. however it is only useful for A cards or below since you can't feed all of an awakened S card's xp to anything and not waste some still.
the def passive is exactly 7% not 8 for wiz at least
triple spark -> -86 channel -> undine -> derp skills
There is really no point for discussion if you simply assume you are fighting a seeker who is so bad that he would qpq so long after fortify that you can actually react before sealed. if you said you would react to sac slash that would have at least been more reasonable, but it's pretty clear you don't really know much…
lol you have ToP (pretty much purely pve genie skill), and no sof or faith o.O
lol wat. maxed seeker (no war avatar) can bypass almost any class other than bm with metal combo zc even those that are +12 jaded.
missing a lot of mobz. and idk if teleporting out before the xp from frogs show up matter. 8 runs with neck and server 2x should be about 53mil xp. without server 2x would be like 50mil ish.
failing at reading comprehension on multiple levels.
You could be more direct if you just want ppl to thank you. I'm still curious how much was spent to obtain your full Neuma portal set and crown of madness.
you got some weird stuff in ur inv
huh ?
to put things into perspective, the probability of getting full set of neuma portal and crown of madness from box/packs after spending 10k gold is less than 1 in a million.
to get 4 sets of it would need closer to 300k gold.
What are you talking about. Clearly none of them are reawakened
I don't understand how the cards are only lvl 1-22. If the person opened boxes to get them. Should have enough xp to max them all about twice over.
if you open 25k boxes you have about 96% chance of getting it. I have 3/6 and opened about 2-3k boxes.
can anyone get screenshots of person's cards?
are you serious or just trolling o.O