Miwo - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I already replied to other people who didn't see my thread in QC. it's a bug. that is if you have sl off, enough slots in inv and in quest list. How to fix it: try re logging several times and do that "check in" in the same day, eventually it will work , it took me 3 days, so.. keep trying it every day, some say to try it…
  • No, hypers will never be allowed in FC again but the instance is still usuable for: 1. quest that give at least 100k exp each ( some more ) and there are enough of them to count. 2. training exoterica ( or w/e the name of that item from Martial Artist NPC ) that acts like a hyper ( not as good but still ok ) and if you add…
  • Let's hope we don't have to wait another year for 2014th annual reward XD b:surrender with PW anything is posible. PS the only good thing about " if we wait another year" is your postponed quitting \o/ you're staying right were you are for 1 more year b:chuckle
  • I had perfect attendance on all 5 toons too, dw they should even know it since, on sin, I send a ticket when the absence note didn't work for a day where sign in glitched and did not show as in, but with the new system, annual and perfect are the same now. Now, now kids, behave. You should never tell someone you don't…
  • Yes, I already signed in, guess it did glitched. I'll try tomorrow and see if it works :3 ty for the suggestion b:kiss
  • Not sure if this was reported: When you try fashion on in the preview some of the fashion effects ( like glowing/bird on shoulder and so on ) remain even after you changed into another fash ( for example you try Parakeet's Top then change into Crown Princess Dress or any other fash, the parrot will remain on shoulder, same…