At high levels, DPH for the win :O And in general DPH>=DPS me thinks :O
gee this isnt surprising at all then and the quests with non existent npc's?? Pure gold im telling ya
:3 <3 b:chuckle
Totally worth it and Totally necessary. Tho a little bit Ornery i admit hehehehe :Db:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
SweetieBot please analyze me!
Hell yes. **** yes. Hell ****ing yes.
I wonder. Who would like to be friends with someone who calls his current friends 'boring' and 'dicks' Dude you must be charming as hell Or you have a lot of luck Don't waste it bro. b:chuckle
I disagree with you :D Lets agree to disagree b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
yeah is pretty normal for us fish to do that :O
you prolly on exhaustion time from hypers or training esotericas
Damm that's annoying Hope they fix it
I cant bear all this false in formation b:cryb:cry
Fabu, we all know PWI is secretly obsessed with ponies. And i think you are right :O :D b:chuckle
-X (XE Z+& X>INFINITY) (just for TEH jokes) to thread spam :O But really in all this time you invested asking for a Faction logo you COULD HAVE learned to MAKE one Ijs b:chuckle
Dude we are already royally screwed as it is Give us some slack XD b:chuckle
Nah ignore rewas, Dude be crazy as shiit
May pan-gu hear you
Who was talking about BM'S? The OP obviously meant Fish people. b:chuckle
Yeah remember the case of that Hamburger weapon in that virtual sandbox interaction called D.I.A.B.L.O III ?? That was funny as hell :O Yeah but the cheer volume of sales at 25g surpass any sales at 50g. b:chuckle I get that they want to starve us with this orbs at 50g so we all jump like sharks at the sale at 25g stuff…
Welp Thats weird. I know if you take off any piece that boosts your HP it goes down but fully healed. Lower lvl barb buff should do the same. Unless it rebuffs based on your usual HP. Daaaaaang this is really weird ima test right naow b:shocked
The verify is useful but you have to run it like 3 times to be sure b:shocked
See that's why we need it, because i'm sure you meant Humans there :D b:chuckle
OMG I remember this XD He was promoting that refine service flipping that stupid wand everywhere XD It was hilarious :O b:chuckle
You can change your safety lock settings . At least that's what i think :O
OMG that's so funny XD It made me chuckle :D b:chuckleb:laugh
And now, i just lost it b:cry
There is a reason for Raging tides being known affectionately as Trolling Tides. b:chuckle Its not just the players, its the server itself. b:shocked
This is damm fine!! This is truly a refiner truest achievement, to reach the legendary +12 with tisha's :O For that sir, i congratulate you. Even more with our refining rates being so unbearable. b:victory
Here on lost city it says 7999 mobs :3 Weird.......
we can dream tho :O