Hi, It seems that your C: disk is developing bad sectors. It is a tough issue, as after some time you might start loosing important information and even render your computer useless. I would recommend the following steps. FIRST AND FOREMOST!: Backup all your important information you have on the computer (Word files, excel…
Sorry Darthpanda, your answer is extremely unsatisfactory. If you would care to look at the other posts (including mine) you would have seen that the trace stops at your US servers ( tat belongs to the Atlanta based company internap, way out of the realm of our ISP (012 Smile). Just for…
Well, the problem disappeared (temporarily) without taking any activity. I guess someone in the US woke up, found that the server was down and restarted it... Hope it holds out for some time. Happy gaming everyone.
Well, a little more information... I have run the tracert process and the results are as follows: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. c:\temp>tracert 29000: Unable to resolve target system name 29000: c:\temp>tracert…
From Israel and my ISP is 012 and I have the fastest connection they offer. I would not blame 012 though as I have no problems with other games. I could not play for the last three days constantly, so I didn't even have the "grace period"of several hours of playing that you have mentioned... In my humble opinion, he…