Medaka - Morai Arc User



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  • That's as easy as timing your aoe to land as soon as the axe spawns :p. If I had the ability to get a decent recording, I'd contribute :D, sadly that's not going to happen. But toad is easy enough to tank on a Seeker, without expel, so I'm sure that someone else can get that done.
  • By tome he probably means the Call of Duty thing. My guess is he took the cave trial quests which don't give you any of those instead of the actual challenge quest in there. If you want a Call of Duty for Qingzi you have to finish the part of your cultivation that asks you to kill Farng, then take a purple quest from…
  • I've still got the same opinion about these as I had when they first came out, and I didn't personally get any of the mergers and most likely won't ever get them (if I ever end up playing again, that is). It really depends on your own preferences here but no one should tell you whether to get them or not. Those are the…
  • It's not based on time as much as it's based on speed. You're also much easier to notice and be disposed of if you're just tossing debuffs randomly (and thus probably at the wrong times too) than if you use them during an opening. If you have the primal QPQ and Sac slash then speed should be no issue to you (though I'd…
  • Are you planning on using Chaos as the guildname? Because, as far as I know you aren't Over.. so I doubt you own the Leader character of Chaos (and I'm guessing this is meant for Morai, because subforum and whatnot). As for your idea, I used to do this as a self challenge / boredom killing thing, but in my case I would be…
  • It's basically a combination of lazyness, lack of time and/or motivation aswell as bad timing I guess :<. I can't promise anything, and I encourage anyone else that was willing to do the Seeker run to go for it - as nothing forbid more than one squad doing it.
  • You know I offered to invite you before :<. Was morai really at 28% 3 hours ago? It was at 30% when I went off yesterday, it's at 36% now... -confused-
  • As much as it might help with the whole hyper babies deal, you should be well aware that completely killing hypering in FC after so many people made use of it for so long is not a good choice either :D. It's a shame that the only "fixes" we ever get involve either giving the playerbase levels or gears on a plate, or…
  • Pvp wise I gotta say Parchedblade... sure it can be a pain when it doesn't proc but then it becomes awesome when it does, especially in NW. Catch a bunch of those people chasing the flag into your aoe stun and they're practically dead :>.
  • All pavs. As for the spinning that depends on how much damage you can handle, but I would just recommend to use regular aoes (you're probably talking about water def? if so, it's probably the easiest pav and you don't need anything more than the regular aoes, plus you'd waste so much extra mana vortexing anyway).
  • So is morai :D. and seems the questchain is finally started too (and stops after the astral sky II quest until we get to next phase) and it gives bloods sometimes lol.
  • That's not what I mean, I know well enough what the questchains were about ^^, but I was referring to what defines an NPC as having a questchain-related quest for you to pick up - in which case this NPC might fit into that category.
  • Well I might not recall this correctly but didn't the NPC's that had questchain-related stuff for you have that bright blue shield above their head? That one had it, so I'm not sure what's up.
  • No questchain here either, though I'm curious about another thing which probably isn't related to the chain: Does anyone know what's up with the Energy Field Guardian NPC? It appears as a reddish dot on the map and it has a quest icon above it but when I click on it, there's nothing in the list. Is that NPC supposed to…
  • Because the boutique pack gives you C-S cards while the FSP one gives you B-S cards. Obvious answer.
  • He could always go without one... but who am I to expect reborn people to Not be running around in TT90 gears? Reminds me of those people that yell and cuss at clerics to join their squads, because that will totally make them want to.. yknow xD.
  • I'm only bothered by not being able to see all of the fashion in one window aswell (I don't mean the types, I just mean the new stuff, "hot" stuff and the stuff that's on sale) and by the lack of the search box that the boutique had for it, unless I just don't see it D:.
  • Well, the increase in damage is slightly different from the one you get from Attack levels (but I don't have the exact numbers). I know it doesn't benefit you much in Pve, but affects Pvp quite a bit when it reaches a high enough value.
  • The extra damage from Parchedblade does little to no damage to actual bosses and is thus useless when it comes to those seeing as the stun doesn't affect them. You're far better off starting with soulsever, activating it on the boss and then switching to northern sky waltz for the rest of the fight (or 3 minutes, incase…
  • Spirit is a new stat similar to attack levels which was introduced with the New Horizons expansion. It's named the same way as the points used to level your skills, but it's a different thing from that. You should find it under the attack level stat in your character window.
  • I'm not sure which of the stuff I posted on faction forums fits in this thread, but for now: It would help if this was also used for unannounced changes, and possibly split into bugs and changes in the OP. I'll leave this here anyways, it was reported by someone who did CoA on that day so I haven't experienced it myself:…
  • Pretty much. It's based on whether or not the portal Mob aggros on you or not. It's not exactly a regular portal I guess, as to me it seems more like a mob that aggros someone then casts a skill on them to port them (when I got in the first time it seemed that way, since after it ported the other person in my squad right…
  • So I wasn't the only one that spent the night to see if it also spawns then xD. I also wanna say, even if you wanna avoid the "OP"'s... this event is hardly based on gear you know? It's all about whoever is lucky enough to find it, and even if you deal damage to it slowly (sorry but if you're reborn and whatnot, I expect…
  • It makes an elemental immune low-hp axe mob spawn on some person in the squad which you kill to make axes drop.
  • The sky level you already had full was automatically made to look full the moment you hit it. You didn't actually fill it, it's just that it wasn't fill-able until this update happened. Imo they should've made it fill-able and just let people max it before the update, but whatever :D.
  • Well the quests seem to be daily, and the mob spawns more than once a day, so at least that's something. The items also stay in your bag for as long as you want so you could probably dig a few extras aswell depending on what you're aiming for. Just look for the cute flying sharkymob helicopter, you can't miss it (unless…
  • He had like what, 580k hp? That's dead in a few shots, but I might just not remember it right. Also, he disappeared after spawning the portal.
  • Okay, a bit of info because this guy won't feed my ego :<. Finally found it on Morai server, the spawn was random spot close to Tree Raccoon Village. Me and a friend attacked it (I hit first) and had to stop because we would've otherwise killed it (no clue what happens then). He then got ported, though we were both sitting…
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