MeatAxe - Harshlands Arc User


  • yea i feel sorry for 99% of the lost city server everyones moaning there server but the poeple on lost city basiclly have no chance with the main faction there... serious give some people a breka let other factions win somtimes you always know u can take it back when you want... give back some of that commuinty sprit and…
  • maybe gms shuld focus on making the game playable rather then making money first... rubber band glitch is a joke and 1k steams RB is not even worth the hassle at the moment... pls fix this been MONTHS
  • lmao i think they have other things on there mind like making sure everyone can buy as much gold as possibal to max there funds insted of fixing the untamed race.. pretty sad it takes game devlopers 2 weeks to fix a bug.. and these guys are sposed to be pros right LMFAO