Masiah - Raging Tide Arc User


  • I have heard from other players from different servers - that they have complained and complained - and next thing you know they get **** .......... but that's just a rumor ... Drug dealers have better Customer service - at least you get what you asked for --- I never ask to have my money taken by a bug
  • How about your company conduct - There was a bug in the game that I reported -- for a week your company or staff was "beating around the bush " with sending information on how too tutorials , when it had nothing to do with my problem - I send them a thread of the same issue on another server - and they CAME RIGHT OUT after…
  • This is what they had to say now: Kenny, we can not view the forum link provided. But we are aware of the Sanctuary character, Katzyn, being reimbursed for the 5.8 million coins. We are not providing any further reimbursement for this specific issue. The quest will provide enough warning when you leave the instance. Please…
  • This exact thing happened to me - just explain that you took the quest when you didn't have the money, and when you did have the money, it deducted it THEN, and they'll reimburse you the coins. They can check the logs and see that the money was spent on that wedding. It took us a month to figure out that that is really…
  • There is no warning in the Banquet - Nothing stating that there is a issue - No Email from PWI warning about this issue - THEY KNEW ABOUT IT - and still nothing - IT was until I gave them the thread you provided me - that they started telling the truth after making it seem like it was my fault for a week.... PWI PWE --…
  • Them just basically saying there not reimbursing is like stealing - Cause the proof is there - I wasn't expected to know that there was a bug - they tried to make it seem like it was my poor playing skills, to send me link to the tutorial - on how to - When I am telling them something else - Its a croc - How is it…
  • This is what they had to say now: Kenny, we can not view the forum link provided. But we are aware of the Sanctuary character, Katzyn, being reimbursed for the 5.8 million coins. We are not providing any further reimbursement for this specific issue. The quest will provide enough warning when you leave the instance. Please…
  • Well I sent the thread to them- Lets see what excuse they come up with now.
  • Thanks for keeping us updated on the issue. We appreciate all the reports! WOW the service - they ask you to give a screen shot -- how -- how do take a picture of getting ripped off