MIKEKIM - Sanctuary Arc User


  • LOL ! ! ! +1 i like it! YES! b:pleasedb:pleased
  • WHY IN THE HELL IS SHIKYURA ON THIS LIST???!?!?!?!!? b:angryb:angry He's doesn't PK!!! He's probably nowhere near even the lowest kill count on the pk rankings. If there was a poll for biggest grinder however... b:chuckleb:chuckle
  • I'm pretty sure your friend is talking about a faction in another server called Conqueror. They are the strongest faction in Lost City (they apparently have 9 battles every weekend and take 10-15 min to finish each as the victors). No relation to Nefarious of Sanctuary
  • dont look up to Shik hes nub b:laughb:laughb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • eeeeeer i just wanna rebirth... b:lipcurl b:lipcurl and the only reason my name is in all caps is because it is a palindrome and small caps didnt look as nice as large caps did imo and GMs could u make something like a blacklist function in forums? i wanna glance over an empty post and know that some moron wasted his time…